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After downloading and installing arch via a netinstall cd, is it possible to use my usb wireless modem and ppp to connect to the internet? I assume ppp is on the netinstall cd.
btw- I did search the wiki and this forum, but didn't find my answer
I use the modem for other linux distros, windows, and openbsd.
After downloading and installing arch via a netinstall cd
This suggests that you already have a network connection - after all, you can't do a netinstall without a net.
If that is the case, then you don't need to concern yourself with the capabilities of the install cd anymore - complete your install over your existing net connection, and then work out how to provide support for your modem in your newly-installed arch system.
However, if you do not have an existing network connection, use existing documentation, in the archwiki and elsewhere, as your starting point for adding usb modem support to the live install environment. This page would probably be a good place to start. You didn't give any details about your device, but there are various pages about Huawei devices there too.
I'll be using Debian to download and burn the image to cd. Then boot into archlinux
I looked at other distros and they didn't even have ppp installed on their netinstall image/cd.
Anyway, it looks like I will need usb_modeswitch.
I'm on a slow and limited broadband contract, so may not be back to update my progress till tomorrow.
Thanks for your help.
btw- modem is Novatel 760