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@twix: size customization can be added easily
with a few tricks I even managed to get the size down to ~10k :-)
opening a directory is possible to add, but I have to think about it (how to do it best). in the meantime, there is a workaround:
put this in ~.config/fehlstart/commands.rc (you can get there by typing edit commands in fehlstart)
save the file. then tell fehlstart to re-read the config files by typing update fehlstart.
you can then type open /foo and later probably o /foo to use that command
@twix, so easily, in fact, I just added it. Just remember to run fehlstart after upgrading, then quit. That will automatically write the new config options to the file.
I'd like to report a bug: The 'regular' enter-key works, but the one on my numpad produces some unprintable characters instead.
thanks for reporting, I'll have a look this evening.
Oh and when I press <TAB> the program sometimes quits with a Floating point exception, but I'll try to find a reproducible way to do that first
Last edited by DIDI2002 (2011-07-15 13:01:56)
I've seen this one time but couldn't reproduce it either.
I'd like to report a bug: The 'regular' enter-key works, but the one on my numpad produces some unprintable characters instead.
Just pushed out a very minor change which I hope will have fixed this. Unfortunately, I can't easily test it, as I don't have such a key on my netbook.
Oh and when I press <TAB> the program sometimes quits with a Floating point exception, but I'll try to find a reproducible way to do that first
I encountered this bug yesterday and pushed out something which should have fixed it. It was triggered when the result list was empty. So, pressing tab, up, or down before typing anything else (or in any other situation where the list was empty) would cause a crash.
It's possible I missed something, though, so let me know if this seems to have fixed it.
Works and doesn't crash on empty-line Tab
I have an idea :
Allow to run some CLI commands and print the result as the name just under the icon. To define them, we could use the config file, in a [execute] section or something like that. I'm not sure if require to press 'enter' is better or just print the result when input match the command.
If it's not clear, don't hesitate to ask for clarification
I have an idea :
Allow to run some CLI commands and print the result as the name just under the icon. To define them, we could use the config file, in a [execute] section or something like that. I'm not sure if require to press 'enter' is better or just print the result when input match the command.
If it's not clear, don't hesitate to ask for clarification
Yeah, it's a little unclear. Can you just elaborate a bit? What exactly would the entry in the config file look like? And you mean the output would be displayed as the name of the selected item?
can you give an example? (what you type, what output you expect, etc...)
how should it behave if the output is more than one line?
[enter] to run the command would be required. let's say you want to type rm -rf ~/foo. if the text is evaluated for every keystroke you'd only get to rm -rf ~ which could be a problem
btw, do you know that you can configure it to have a "run in terminal" command? (maybe that should be included as default?)
Sorry, I realize now that my previous post was not clear at all
What I would like to do is use for example the command 'acpi' which give the time and level remaining on battery, and have the output shown directly in fehlstart, and not in a term (to fasten the use of such programs)
Maybe allow only commands pre-defined in a config file with syntax similar to actions.rc, like that :
short_key=bat # alias I type
name=Battery level # "Nice name"
The process (for the user) would be like the current lauch process : type acpi, <enter>, and then fehlstart show the output, and <escape> hide the window as currently
For multiple lines I think you could rely on the existing resize windows code to show the maximum information for the total screen size and truncate if needed.
I think the output should be displayed between icon and "textbox" of fehlstart, maybe with a border or an horizontal line to distinguish text input of fehlstart and the command output.
I would like to see it implemented to reduce to zero the utility of a traybar or conky on my old netbook
@maep : I could use an action using zenity to show a pop-up, but it's not optimal
Thank you for listening the users, it's pleasant
I will have a look on the current code too have an idea on how to implement this, but do not expect something from me soon, I have zero GTK knowledge and little C/C++ knowledge ;(
@twix, well, it sounds doable. Off the top of my head, though, I'm not sure what the best way to get a program's stdout into a string is. I'll have to look into it. That seems to be the hard part. Actually displaying the output should be easier.
I just wanted to say that I put it on my todo list, but I'm busy for the next 2 weeks.