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With bindsym you can actually write e.g. z into the config file, if the key combination should include z. With bindcode you have to use its keycode, which you can find out with
(xev is included in the package xorg-xev)
There you see the advantage of bindsym over bindcode, it's more natural.
what is the difference between a "bindsym" and a "bindcode" ?? [...] Is there an advantage of using one over the other?
Bindcodes are static, which is useful if you are a user of multiple keyboard layouts and wish to retain the same key positions across all layouts.
Last edited by Wintervenom (2011-07-24 22:10:00)
In the colors I have the following
client.focused #DA6F00 #DA6F00 #000000
client.focused_inactive #333333 #333333 #999999
client.unfocused #333333 #333333 #999999
client.urgent #FF0000 #8C5665 #999999
bar.focused #DA6F00 #000000 #999999
bar.unfocused #333333 #000000 #999999
bar.urgent #FF0000 #000000 #999999
which I swiped from Ogion. Since i3-tree no longer has a workspace bar, the bar.* variables are ignored right?
Currently I have to put in the i3bar color flags to be able to get the same colors as my workspace, but I hope there is a config file for i3bar and it reads the colors from i3's config file because it would be tedious to have to keep changing colors in two separate files.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Is there any sort of change log for 4.0? Seems like a big change. In the meantime I was going to read the 4.0 and look it all over. Thoughts on this new update?
EDIT: I don't like that Alt+H (at least what it was by default before) will stack, but no longer unstacks automatically. Also, it seems to spawn this random "another container" sometimes when I stack, but it's empty.
Additionally, it seems my previously workspaces [1 - NAME 1] [2 - NAME 2] [3 - NAME 3] are offset by one, and no longer appear in numerical order, but rather in the order they are opened.
I tried i3 for the first time just the other day and fell in love with it over XMonad's automatic tiling. Needless to say this change has just been a bit of a shock to me.
Last edited by Osage (2011-08-02 00:34:49)
I am crazy loving v4. Dumped my conky from v3 and just using i3status + i3bar. Working awesome. I'm using i3bar in default auto-hide mode so the loss of my awezome-gorgeous conky setup isn't so bad.
Is there any sort of change log for 4.0? Seems like a big change. In the meantime I was going to read the 4.0 and look it all over. Thoughts on this new update?
There's this announcement to get a rough overview.
Hi. I'm thnking about giving i3 a try. wiki says it doesn't have system tray support. Is there any way to get a system tray working in i3? It's a feature that i really need.
Last edited by Viper_Scull (2011-08-02 11:32:32)
Athlon II X4 620 + Gigabyte 785GPM-UD2H + 4GB DDR3 + SSD OCZ Vertex2 60GB
Archlinux x86_64 + Openbox
Hi. I'm thnking about giving i3 a try. wiki says it doesn't have system tray support. Is there any way to get a system tray working in i3? It's a feature that i really need.
You can always use a third party tray like stalonetray or trayer. i3 itself doesn't have a built in tray.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Try trayer-srg-git.
Last edited by Wintervenom (2011-08-10 00:47:06)
workspace_bar no doesn't work anymore in v4. how to disable internal workspace bar? don't find anything in the manual. thanks.
workspace_bar no doesn't work anymore in v4. how to disable internal workspace bar? don't find anything in the manual. thanks.
That's because v4 is the tree version which dropped the internal workspace bar. You can use i3bar if you want a workspace bar. if not there is nothing to configure. Simply remove the line
workspace_bar yes/no
if you have one in your config file.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
My bad. After rebooting my box, it's gone. Thanks Inxsible.
Last edited by trungpham (2011-08-02 15:42:46)
What you see is not the internal bar of older versions. V 4 ships with i3bar, which is started on the last line of your config file.
What you see is not the internal bar of older versions. V 4 ships with i3bar, which is started on the last line of your config file.
i3bar is a separate program for sure.
It is a separate program, but it is included in the V 4 package in the arch repository. See … -wm/files/
I was using the tree version from AUR until now...but I will replace it with the one from community tonight and see what it brings me.
Does the new i3bar --shipped with i3-- now support a config file of its own? I read somewhere that they were working on a config file for i3bar where colors and such could be set, so that you didn't have to pass a bunch of flags to i3bar to set color-workspace-fg, color-workspace-inactive-bg etc etc..
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
From the i3bar manpage:
i3bar does not yet support formatting in the displayed statusline. However it does support setting colors for the bar, the workspace-buttons and the statusline.
For now this happens with the following command-line-options:
--color-bar-fg, --color-bar-bg, --color-active-ws-fg, --color-active-ws-bg, --color-inactive-ws-fg, --color-inactive-ws-bg, --color-urgent-ws-bg, --color-urgent-ws-fg, --color-focus-ws-fg,
For each specified option you need to give a HEX-colorcode.
Be advised that this command-line-options are only temporary and are very likely to be removed, when we finally have a config-file.
So its still the same as the -tree branch that I am using. Oh well, all in due time.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
While I appreciate the minimalist approach of i3, I do prefer a bottom bar with a workspace switcher and a clock. I know I can achieve this with i3bar + i3status. Lightweight as it is, however, i3status is still overkill for just displaying a clock on the bottom bar. So I hacked up a few lines of Pascal I would like to share if anyone is interested:
Program clock125;
{ displays current time to stdout, updating every second }
Uses sysutils;
While True do
Writeln ('[', TimeToStr(Time), ']');
Flush (Output);
sleep (1000)
Feed that to your fpc, put the resulting binary in ~/bin (that directory being in your path) and edit your ~/.i3/config so it contains something like
exec i3bar -d -c clock125
why is it that the default border colors of i3 are shades of Arch Linux blue, but the default i3bar colors are red/maroon. Doesn't make sense and I have to go find out the hex codes of one to change the other
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Hi folks,
I'm running i3 4.0.1. My old i3-wsbar + dzen2 from i3 3.x doesn't work anymore. I'd like to try to do it now with i3bar + conky or dzen2.
I'm a bit lost. Can any one post what I'd have to include in my i3 config to get the bar displayed. If you be so kind to post the command for i3bar to just display the date - I'll build on it.
It's dual monitor with nvidia and xinerama.
thank you
Hi folks,
I'm running i3 4.0.1. My old i3-wsbar + dzen2 from i3 3.x doesn't work anymore. I'd like to try to do it now with i3bar + conky or dzen2.
I'm a bit lost. Can any one post what I'd have to include in my i3 config to get the bar displayed. If you be so kind to post the command for i3bar to just display the date - I'll build on it.It's dual monitor with nvidia and xinerama.
thank you
exec i3bar -c 'conky -c ~/.i3/scripts/conkyrc' -dtop
# set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
background no
# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer no
# Print everything to console?
out_to_console yes
# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
# own window to run simultanious 2 or more conkys
own_window no
out_to_x no
# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 5.0
# This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
# Set to zero to run forever.
total_run_times 0
short_units yes
if_up_strictness address
# Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
# use_spacer should have an argument of left, right, or none
use_spacer left
# Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
override_utf8_locale no
# number of cpu samples to average
# set to 1 to disable averaging
cpu_avg_samples 2
# Top Process: ${top name 1}
# Root: {fs_used /}/${fs_size /} /home ${fs_free /home} /${fs_size /home}
# Load: ${loadavg 1} ${loadavg 2} ${loadavg 3}
# Load: $loadavg
# Swap: ${swap}/${swapmax} (${swapperc}%)
# Processes: ${running_processes} / ${processes}
# CPU: $cpu%
# HDD: $diskio_read :Read $diskio_write :Write
# Temp: Core0: ${exec sensors | awk '/Core 0/ {print $3}'} Core1: ${exec sensors | awk '/Core 1/ {print $3}'}
# Freq: ${freq cpu0}Mhz
# Uptime: $uptime
# Kernel:$kernel on $machine
# Name: $nodename - $sysname
# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
CPU: ${cpu cpu}% | RAM:$mem/${memmax} ($memperc%) ${if_up eth0}| LAN: ${downspeed eth0} ${upspeed eth0} IP: ${addr eth0} ${endif} | Batt: ${battery_percent BAT0}% | ${time %a %d.%m.%y} ${time %H:%M}
exec i3status -c ~/.i3/status | i3bar -dtop
Thanks a lot.
new_window bb doesn't seem to work with version 4. any one know how to get borderless windows?
new_window none
It would help if you use i3-migrate-config-to-v4, which is provided with the i3 package.