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#1 2011-07-27 13:39:27

Registered: 2011-04-27
Posts: 299

[SOLVED] claws-mail breaks mouse and keyboard recognition

I have a critical problem with claws mail and my mouse and keyboard combo. It's a bluetooth set and after switching from sylpheed to claws-mail yesterday (I realised that sylpheed still saves passwords as plain text) arch did not recognize neither my keyboard nor my mouse. So I booted from a live cd, chrooted into my arch machine and searched the pacman log for anything suspicious. I saw that claws-mail installed "bluez" and obviously this thing breaks my keyboard and mouse. I uninstalled bluez and all works fine.

Unfortunately I want to use claws-mail and claws-mail needs bluez (or better it needs "pilot-link", which needs "bluez") as a dependency, so can anybody help me with this problem?

Last edited by matse (2011-07-27 17:57:57)


#2 2011-07-27 16:05:45

Registered: 2011-04-27
Posts: 299

Re: [SOLVED] claws-mail breaks mouse and keyboard recognition

OK, I just found a workaround:
either deleting "/lib/udev/rules.d/97-bluetooth-hid2hci.rules" (from the bluez package) or uncommenting the "logitech" part in this file solves my problem. According to it has something to do in which mode (hci or hid) the bluetooth dongle runs.

//Edit: OK, I was able to solve the issue in a clean way, now the dongle runs in hci-mode and I connect my keyboard and mouse directly via my systems bluetooth service (a nice side-effect is that I can now connect even other bluetooth devices via that dongle), if anybody has the same issue see here

Last edited by matse (2011-07-27 17:56:56)


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