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Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
How can I get multi-instance mode working? Tried set "single_instance false" in jumanjirc, ":set single_instance false" in the browser and "single_instance FALSE" in config.h. All of them didn't work. I'm using the git-version with webkit-1.0 on slackware 13.37 (I think this doesn't make any difference).
Defining 'set single_instance false' into jumanjirc and reload is enough, but it behaves alittle strange imho...
What I mean is that you can now manually open new jumanji instances(windows), but the right-click context-menu with 'open link in new window' still just opens a new tab in the focused jumanji instance, and it's the same with the F shortcut...
I always just thought that the new fan opened after selecting 'open link in new window', where simply because I was using single_instance, but that dosen't seem to be the case now, I see...
Last edited by mhertz (2011-07-25 23:18:57)
Thanks - did that already before (without the quotes - I missplaced them in my previous post).
But it works now. I solved the problem anyway with installing webkit 1.2 :-)
For my there is no 'open link in new window' btw
I get a segmentationfault when i close some tabs with flash content in them (I believe it's only with flash sites, but not sure). For example, open in a new tab. Let it load, and then close it. Do you guys get a segfault doing that to?
Please always state which versions you are using and check that you are using at least the latest version of jumanji-git.
Best regards
korkadapa wrote:I get a segmentationfault when i close some tabs with flash content in them (I believe it's only with flash sites, but not sure). For example, open in a new tab. Let it load, and then close it. Do you guys get a segfault doing that to?
Please always state which versions you are using and check that you are using at least the latest version of jumanji-git.
Best regards
I just had to update to the latest version of jumanji-git... I was confident that I was using the latest version but upon check, that was only on my laptop.
I have had a problem for ages with jumanji, and that's the downloading, which many times gives me a 0kb file!
If theres a link you can rightclick and select download, then it frequently works, but very many times where you need to select download, and then some time after the file is downloaded, i.e. the correct link is not ready in the initial link, but is redirected or transformed someway, then it gives me that 0kb file!
One annoying example is when trying to download a file from the webinterface of dropbox...
The default jumanji download command uses xterm, and so I just changed it to urxvtc, but it's the same in xterm, and also if I just use wget directly without a terminal, but I prefer to see the progress-bar:
set download_command urxvtc -e wget --load-cookies ~/.config/jumanji/cookies '%s' -O '%s'
Now if I instead use curl on e.g. a file on dropbox, then I do get a file which isn't empty, but the content is just a html file stating that theres been an error
set download_command urxvtc -e curl -Lb ~/.config/jumanji/cookies '%s' -o '%s'
Thanks in advance...
(wget redirects by default, but not curl, so that why I add -L to redirect in addition to enabling cookies with -b)
Last edited by mhertz (2011-07-27 03:17:42)
I have had a problem for ages with jumanji, and that's the downloading, which many times gives me a 0kb file! [...]
I do not know which features you are using from jumanji, but you could give the develop branch a shot right now, since it gives you the opportunity to download files within the browser directly. There is no user interface (it just gives you some output on stdout) for it right now, but maybe you can give it a shot if that works for you.
edit: In the mean time it is possible to check the status of the downloads by typing the command :downloads
Best regards
Last edited by mlq (2011-07-27 18:33:07)
Thanks for your reply!
I just removed jumanji-git and installed instead the gtk3 version, and it's the same there...
Since jumanji just spawn whatever is defined in the download_command, then it's not really a jumanji problem, but rather a wget/curl issue, but I have tried different extra switches and still it dosen't work on some stuff like e.g. dropbox public folder files... I've allready enabled redirects, and also tried e.g. --mirror for wget, but still nothing...
Anyway, just wanted to hear if any of you guys had gotten a solution to this?...
Here's an example: I login to dropbox and go into my public folder and select to download my zshrc file, and with wget I get a 0kb file, and with curl I get the zshrc file, but it's contents is this:
<head><title>Dropbox - 403</title>
<link href="/static/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/static/images/favicon.ico"/>
<body style="background-color:#fff">
<div align="center">
<table><tr><td width="600px">
<center><img id="errorimage" src="/static/images/lockbox.png"/></center>
<div id="errorbox">
<h1>Error (403)</h1>It seems you don't belong here! You should probably try <b><a href="">logging in</a></b>?<br/><br/> Y
ou can also check out our <a href="">FAQ</a> or <a href="">forums</a> and maybe you'll find what yo
u were looking for. Or maybe you should try heading <a href="">home</a>.
It's the same on many places where there's a download-button, instead of a direct-link to just right-click on...
Hmm, I just enabled logging:
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 FORBIDDEN
2011-07-28 05:17:28 ERROR 403: FORBIDDEN.
It's a publicly shared folder, so it shouldn't really be forbidden? And again, i've experience it many other places...
Last edited by mhertz (2011-07-28 03:24:28)
I just removed jumanji-git and installed instead the gtk3 version, and it's the same there...
Are you using the new_webgtk branch or the develop branch? If the later remove the "download-command" line from your configuration. Then it should use the builtin download manager where you can view the status by typing :downloads.
Regarding to the dropbox forum just a specific entry in the cookie file is needed. I will check on that and will keep you posted.
edit: OK, jumanji creates that certain cookie entry only if you check 'remember me' on login but it adds an http_only flag to it which it shouldnt. If you remove that from the cookie file you should have something like TRUE / TRUE 1343373670 touch UzXXXXXXXX in it and then it should work. Not very satisfying.
Best regards
Last edited by mlq (2011-07-28 07:26:22)
Thanks alot for your feedback, mate!
Sorry, I was using the new_webgtk branch, since that + jumanji-git is the only pkgbuilds on aur, and I actually didn't even knew there where an additional develop branch, as I haven't visited the git repo for some time...
Anyway, I will install the develop branch and report further...
Note, before I read your post, I tried installing dwb and test the downloading with that, and this works perfectly, and uses just this "same" download command:
xterm -e wget 'dwb_uri' -O 'dwb_output' --load-cookies 'dwb_cookies'
I looked everywhere under '~/.config/dwb/', but couldn't find any file with cookies in it? Then I noticed that it had cookies disabled in the settings in dwb, and when I enabled them, and checked the cookie file, then there weren't any http_only flags there, as you mentioned...
Btw, I always enable 'Remeber me' in dropbox...
Edit: Yeah, it does work correctly in the develop-branch... I'm though going to stick to the jumanji-git(aur version with gtk2) for the time being, untill i'm forced to move to develop(gtk3/girara branch), since I much prefer the hinting from portix(javascript) to the webkit-based one, and also, since i'm honestly not that happy about introducing another dep(girara), since I dont use any other pwmt girara apps(zathura e.g.)...
Thanks again for your helpfullness; much appreciated, mate!
CU, Martin.
Last edited by mhertz (2011-07-29 06:08:47)
Note, before I read your post, I tried installing dwb and test the downloading with that, and this works perfectly, and uses just this "same" download command:
xterm -e wget 'dwb_uri' -O 'dwb_output' --load-cookies 'dwb_cookies'
I looked everywhere under '~/.config/dwb/', but couldn't find any file with cookies in it? Then I noticed that it had cookies disabled in the settings in dwb, and when I enabled them, and checked the cookie file, then there weren't any http_only flags there, as you mentioned...
OK, lets check what portix is doing, but the http_only flag should be set anyway - I need to rewrite the cookie stuff anyway, because it does not work over multiple instances right now.
Edit: Yeah, it does work correctly in the develop-branch...
OK, thats good to know.
Best regards
Last edited by mlq (2011-07-29 07:11:00)
Thanks alot, mate, for looking into it...
Btw, the strange thing to me, was that it works with dwb even with cookies disabled??? That is the default in dwb, btw. I did check that no cookies file was saved as ~/.config/dwb/default/cookies.
When enabling cookies, then it still worked and that above mentioned cookies file was created...
Just to be sure that you've gotten all the facts strait, for when you look into it...
CU, Martin.
are there any news concerning the download issues discussed above? Are there plans to implement a fix to the current git version (not develop but the version based on gtk-2) ?
Thanks in advance!
I tried to use the hints.js script but when I type "f" or "F" I see this: "Follow hints:" but it doesn't work.
This is my config:
[tiziano@arch64 ~]$ cat ./.config/jumanji/jumanjirc
# jumanji configuration
# search engines
searchengine g
searchengine wr
searchengine yt
searchengine aw
# browser settings
set auto_save 60
set single_instance true
set session_restored true
set default_session_name start
# Use privoxy for adblocking
#set proxy localhost:8118
# look n feel
set font Ubuntu 10
#set stylesheet file:///home/inxs/.config/jumanji/style.css
# Enable plugins
plugin application/x-shockwave-flash
# follow hints
script ~/.config/jumanji/scripts/hints.js
# downloads
set download_dir ~/downloads/
set download_command urxvt -e sh -c "wget --load-cookies ~/.config/jumanji/cookies '%s' -O '%s'";
# keybindings
map <C-,> nav_history previous
map <C-.> nav_history next
#bmap ^DD$ quit
[tiziano@arch64 ~]$ ls ~/.config/jumanji/scripts/
What's wrong? Thanks.
Check that you have the right script i.e. the one linked from the second post of this thread, and also open it and check that it's a valid javascript file, as sometimes the download can screw up and you get a html file instead...
Btw, the script file is for the jumanji-git aur package, as the other gtk3 jumanji git versions uses webkit-native hinting and I believe that it ignores the 'script' directive in the config...
jumanji seems to open google calendar in mobile mode. How can I get jumanji open gcal in normal webpage mode ?
Last edited by nXqd (2011-08-20 09:39:49)
When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn't an option. It's a necessity. - Steve Pavlina
bump, nobody here ?
Last edited by nXqd (2011-08-25 04:30:47)
When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn't an option. It's a necessity. - Steve Pavlina
Edit jumanjirc and add this:
set user_agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:6.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0
That is the user agent string for Firefox 6. I don't have Chrome installed on my machine, but that would probably be a better string to use than the one I just gave you since it would have the same webkit engine just in case the website had any strange quirks that depended on it. I just tested it though, and this worked for getting the normal Google calendar website.
I laugh, yet the joke is on me
Ha ha, installed Chromium just so I could look up the user agent. Not sure that was the best use of a 20 MB download or not:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.215 Safari/535.1
I laugh, yet the joke is on me
Ha ha, installed Chromium just so I could look up the user agent. Not sure that was the best use of a 20 MB download or not:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.215 Safari/535.1
lolz, thanks much about this one I'd do some search install of this big bag
. I still have something I want to ask :
1- How can I bookmark a bookmarklet ?
2- I really miss the lastpass T.T
//Sadly, jumanji is very unstable today
Last edited by nXqd (2011-08-26 06:48:24)
When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn't an option. It's a necessity. - Steve Pavlina
Back to Jumanji after a year on OS X for work. Still loving it!
A question about redirects (301 and 302): Are they only going to be handled by libwebkit? They don't seem to be followed automatically in jumanji.
Back to Jumanji after a year on OS X for work. Still loving it!
A question about redirects (301 and 302): Are they only going to be handled by libwebkit? They don't seem to be followed automatically in jumanji.
It's a libsoup problem and the patch hasn't been pushed out yet to the stable version:
pkgname=('libsoup' 'libsoup-gnome')
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
makedepends=('glib2' 'libxml2' 'sqlite3' 'libgnome-keyring' 'intltool' 'gobject-introspection' 'glib-networking')
libsoup_message_clean_response.patch )
options=('!libtool' '!emptydirs')
build() {
cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
--localstatedir=/var --disable-static
package_libsoup() {
pkgdesc="GNOME HTTP Library - base library"
depends=('glib2' 'libxml2' 'glib-networking')
cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
patch -Np1 -i $srcdir/libsoup_message_clean_response.patch
make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/libsoup-gnome-2.4.*
rm -f "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libsoup-gnome-2.4.pc"
rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/include/libsoup-gnome-2.4"
rm -f "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/girepository-1.0/SoupGNOME-2.4.typelib"
package_libsoup-gnome() {
pkgdesc="GNOME HTTP Library - GNOME libraries"
depends=("libsoup=${pkgver}" 'libgnome-keyring')
cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/libsoup-2.4.*
rm -f "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libsoup-2.4.pc"
rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/include/libsoup-2.4"
rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/share"
rm -f "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Soup-2.4.typelib"
diff --git a/libsoup/soup-message-queue.c b/libsoup/soup-message-queue.c
index 88ce313..58fea58 100644
--- a/libsoup/soup-message-queue.c
+++ b/libsoup/soup-message-queue.c
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ queue_message_restarted (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data)
item->conn = NULL;
+ soup_message_cleanup_response (msg);
g_cancellable_reset (item->cancellable);
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 848031e..de0b75f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ LoadModule ssl_module @APACHE_SSL_MODULE_DIR@/
DirectoryIndex index.txt
TypesConfig /dev/null
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
+Redirect permanent /redirected /index.txt
# Proxy #1: unauthenticated
diff --git a/tests/proxy-test.c b/tests/proxy-test.c
index 014da39..27d8d2e 100644
--- a/tests/proxy-test.c
+++ b/tests/proxy-test.c
@@ -200,6 +200,45 @@ do_proxy_fragment_test (SoupURI *base_uri)
soup_test_session_abort_unref (session);
+static void
+do_proxy_redirect_test (void)
+ SoupSession *session;
+ SoupURI *proxy_uri, *req_uri, *new_uri;
+ SoupMessage *msg;
+ debug_printf (1, "\nTesting redirection through proxy\n");
+ proxy_uri = soup_uri_new (proxies[SIMPLE_PROXY]);
+ session = soup_test_session_new (SOUP_TYPE_SESSION_ASYNC,
+ NULL);
+ soup_uri_free (proxy_uri);
+ req_uri = soup_uri_new (HTTPS_SERVER);
+ soup_uri_set_path (req_uri, "/redirected");
+ msg = soup_message_new_from_uri (SOUP_METHOD_GET, req_uri);
+ soup_message_headers_append (msg->request_headers,
+ "Connection", "close");
+ soup_session_send_message (session, msg);
+ new_uri = soup_message_get_uri (msg);
+ if (!strcmp (req_uri->path, new_uri->path)) {
+ debug_printf (1, " message was not redirected!\n");
+ errors++;
+ }
+ soup_uri_free (req_uri);
+ if (!SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL (msg->status_code)) {
+ debug_printf (1, " unexpected status %d %s!\n",
+ msg->status_code, msg->reason_phrase);
+ errors++;
+ }
+ g_object_unref (msg);
+ soup_test_session_abort_unref (session);
main (int argc, char **argv)
@@ -221,6 +260,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
soup_uri_set_port (base_uri, soup_server_get_port (server));
do_proxy_fragment_test (base_uri);
+ do_proxy_redirect_test ();
soup_uri_free (base_uri);
soup_test_server_quit_unref (server);
I must admit i've never understood how the history tab completion works in jumanji?
I can see that jumanji saves the history perfectly, since we can go back and fourth between pages with H and L keys, but when pressing o and tabbing down to the history section, then only some of the pages i've been at is listed?
All google searches is there, but e.g. all the arch forum pages and such is rarelly there?
I've also tried setting auto_save to 1 in jumanjirc, but to no avail...
This here is a good example; i've just deleted the history file to start afresh and have 'auto_save 1' in my config, and then started jumanji and did a google search and also vistited some arch forum pages, but none of them is in the history, not even the one i'm typing at now, and it just shows my google homepage and the one google search I did in the very beginning?
I just tested dwb, and it does save the history fine...
Thanks in advance.
I must admit i've never understood how the history tab completion works in jumanji?
This is because jumanji-master only saves the page that has been opened with the (tab)open command in the history file. This issue is already resolved in the develop branch of jumanji (you might want to take a look at that). dwb has nothing to do with jumanji
Best regards