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Hi all,
I'm experiencing problem with my cursor in urxvt-unicode terminal. Every time I type the cursor is dissappered when hit on backspace It will appear back. I went to all the threads, I'm yet to find a solution.
I came across this thread:
lifeafter2am has mentioned a package build would fix this issue but unfortunately this package has been deleted.
Any help or assistant would apreciated, for your true Archer.
thank you
Last edited by alpha.arch (2011-08-19 01:14:55)
Yes, the package has been removed … 22462.html
Just to make sure, are you running an up to date system?
Hi Karol,
I'm pretty sure that the system is up to date.
quick question: every time when you issued command; pacman -Syu or yaourt -Syu, does it mean It'll will upadate the system entirely or just the essentials packages. If it's not the case, I'll check my xcompmgr and urxvt-unicode version.
'pacman -Syu' updates all the packages you installed from the repos (both official and unofficial user repositories) unless some of them are in 'IgnorePkg' or 'IgnoreGroup' in pacman.conf.
It means your system should be fully up to date.