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Has anyone come across these "WebKey" (warning: obnoxious video popup) devices before? Another employee received one in the mail yesterday and brought it to me.
After some investigation, it appears they emulate a keyboard HID and send a predefined set of keystrokes to the computer when plugged in. These particular ones did:
Where XXXXX is a tracking ID, I'm assuming unique to that individual key, and tied to the recipient of the key in the senders records.
Besides the obvious privacy issues surrounding this, I have my concerns about the security of them... For example:
While investigating the device, I plugged it into a *nix machine. The kernel recognized it as a "WebKey" and created /dev/input/by-id/usb-WebKey_WebKey-event-kbd
I found this code that is supposed to decode the raw input from a keyboard device:
After running it, it only displayed 70:
/tmp $ sudo ./raw /dev/input/by-id/usb-WebKey_WebKey-event-kbd
Reading From : /dev/input/by-id/usb-WebKey_WebKey-event-kbd (WebKey WebKey)
Which doesn't seem right.... Anyone got any other ideas how to better monitor/decode exactly what a "WebKey" is attempting to do (without just plugging it in!)
Last edited by fukawi2 (2011-09-06 00:17:17)
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
If that device was not requested by the employee in question or the company itself I'd say that good analysis tools would be a hammer and a flamethrower I've seen news where researchers have tweaked a usb mouse to turn it into a spying device while still working as a mouse not to raise suspicion. Also judging by the video and your findings so far I agree with your opinion that the device is question is a privacy risk and a possible security risk.
Analyzing what the device will try to do without actually plugging it in might be difficult, the impression I got from the PR video is that the device is almost paper thin so no chance of opening it up and trying to find some flash or eeprom that could be read and decoded. However the device must have been programmed after being manufactured due to the possibility of customization so it probably has some microcontroller with enough memory to implement a rudimentary usb stack and some code to perform whatever it does, if you get really lucky you may be able to find some exposed contacts use to program the device (if it had some kind of sticker applied). The problem is finding out which microcontroller is used and what each contact is for and then get really lucky that the "code protect" feature of most modern microcontrollers was not used.
On the code you point out that should read what that "key" is doing, I'd say you want to look at the input_event structure and see which data it stores and check if the returned value is what you want, mind you that my programming skills and knowledge is very small so that's the best I can think of by looking at the code.
Another option, assuming that device interacts only by emulating a keyboard and sending keypresses is to use 'showkey'. Run showkey dumping the output to a file, plug the device and let it do whatever it wants, the hard part may be translating the keypress codes into actual keys. You could probably also use a virtual machine with windows rigged with a keylogger and probably some program to monitor file and registry activity, nothing better than let it loose in the intended target OS
After Googling, the best hints I got about the internals of this type of device were from here: Looks like the programming is contained on an EEPROM.
The above thread is about devices for Windows and Mac OSs, I presume. I haven't found anything related to the Android versions of the devices.
Photos of a dissected webkey on flickr: … 844676514/
[code 70] is the ASCII 'F'?
If that device was not requested by the employee in question or the company itself I'd say that good analysis tools would be a hammer and a flamethrower
I've seen news where researchers have tweaked a usb mouse to turn it into a spying device while still working as a mouse not to raise suspicion. Also judging by the video and your findings so far I agree with your opinion that the device is question is a privacy risk and a possible security risk.
I've found out that unfortunately it was "requested" because they didn't tick the little box at the bottom of the registration form at an expo they went to
I agree there is a big privacy issue in that there is no warning that the key is "unique" to you or offers the marketing company a method to identify you.
Analyzing what the device will try to do without actually plugging it in might be difficult,
Happy to plug it in to my Linux box; it's only designed for Windows and Mac (a good thing for once ). Ubuntu appear to have patched to ignore it's "keyboard input", and it appears to be pushed back upstream since my desktop also ignored it's keystrokes.
Another option, assuming that device interacts only by emulating a keyboard and sending keypresses is to use 'showkey'.
That's the program I was looking for when I found that other code! I'll try that on Monday (left the keys at work
They were nice enough to send us 2, so I could attempt to dissect one, but I have no idea what I'm looking at!
[code 70] is the ASCII 'F'?
Nice Googling
And yes, ASCII 70 is 'F' which is what makes me think the code isn't working as I expected
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
I've found out that unfortunately it was "requested" because they didn't tick the little box at the bottom of the registration form at an expo they went to
I agree there is a big privacy issue in that there is no warning that the key is "unique" to you or offers the marketing company a method to identify you.
At least they did bring the trojans for further inspection before actually plugging them I hope. Oh and this was the news I mentioned about the rigger mouse … se_attack/
Happy to plug it in to my Linux box; it's only designed for Windows and Mac (a good thing for once
). Ubuntu appear to have patched to ignore it's "keyboard input", and it appears to be pushed back upstream since my desktop also ignored it's keystrokes.
You could always use a livecd that doesn't include the patch, not much should be needed just to run showkey, even an older arch install media with its core snapshot should do i believe, fast to install and well ... it's arch XD
That's the program I was looking for when I found that other code!
I'll try that on Monday (left the keys at work
They were nice enough to send us 2, so I could attempt to dissect one, but I have no idea what I'm looking at!
I could try to help in identifying any parts that may be possible to identify if you can provide some photos, and I guess that it might spark some interest from other users that might have a bit of electronics knowledge. As a start finding out what it does when plugged in is the easiest course of action, trying to dig more info directly from the hardware can get tricky quite fast and may not be worth the time (and possibly money even if not much) spent doing it.
Well it appears that the code in my OP was working... showkeys displays the same output:
(EDIT: '28 release' is the enter key from starting showkeys)
~ # showkey
kb mode was RAW
[ if you are trying this under X, it might not work
since the X server is also reading /dev/console ]
press any key (program terminates 10s after last keypress)...
keycode 28 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 70 press
keycode 70 release
keycode 29 press
^Ccaught signal 2, cleaning up...
That Ubuntu bug is actually fairly recent, and doesn't appear to actually have been incorporated anywhere by the looks of it, so perhaps this key is doing something weird. I'm not sure how it would detect the difference between the host OS though since it's "only" a keyboard.
I'll grab some photos tonight, I don't have a decent camera at work.
Last edited by fukawi2 (2011-09-04 23:06:03)
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
From the dump at hardforum it might be possible that the "magic" only happens after a while, maybe only after 32 bogus key presses (32 key presses and 32 key releases). You may want to use 'showkey -a' as it might make it easier to read/parse the output.
Just a guess but probably the firmware is quite dumb and doesn't incorporate any configurable timer before doing something, it probably just does something like this:
initialize micro controller
negotiate/initialize usb
read eeprom address (sequentially, one at a time)
output/emulate keypress
wait some time
goto loop if not finished reading eeprom
play dead/hang/do nothing
It would be a really dumb dumb code if it sent bogus keypresses while waiting to do something, but hey it probably already does a good job spamming and spying on people so no reason to improve it or make it more refined
You may want to use 'showkey -a' as it might make it easier to read/parse the output.
morpheus ~ # showkey -a > /tmp/webkey.txt
rrrrrr^[[1~^[[4~^? ^M
And the redirected file:
morpheus ~ # cat /tmp/webkey.txt
Press any keys - Ctrl-D will terminate this program
114 0162 0x72
114 0162 0x72
114 0162 0x72
114 0162 0x72
114 0162 0x72
114 0162 0x72
27 0033 0x1b
91 0133 0x5b
49 0061 0x31
126 0176 0x7e
27 0033 0x1b
91 0133 0x5b
52 0064 0x34
126 0176 0x7e
127 0177 0x7f
104 0150 0x68
116 0164 0x74
116 0164 0x74
112 0160 0x70
58 0072 0x3a
47 0057 0x2f
47 0057 0x2f
119 0167 0x77
119 0167 0x77
119 0167 0x77
46 0056 0x2e
101 0145 0x65
122 0172 0x7a
121 0171 0x79
102 0146 0x66
108 0154 0x6c
121 0171 0x79
101 0145 0x65
114 0162 0x72
46 0056 0x2e
99 0143 0x63
111 0157 0x6f
109 0155 0x6d
46 0056 0x2e
97 0141 0x61
117 0165 0x75
47 0057 0x2f
105 0151 0x69
110 0156 0x6e
100 0144 0x64
101 0145 0x65
120 0170 0x78
46 0056 0x2e
104 0150 0x68
116 0164 0x74
109 0155 0x6d
108 0154 0x6c
63 0077 0x3f
99 0143 0x63
117 0165 0x75
115 0163 0x73
116 0164 0x74
111 0157 0x6f
109 0155 0x6d
101 0145 0x65
114 0162 0x72
61 0075 0x3d
97 0141 0x61
100 0144 0x64
109 0155 0x6d
97 0141 0x61
50 0062 0x32
48 0060 0x30
49 0061 0x31
49 0061 0x31
32 0040 0x20
13 0015 0x0d
4 0004 0x04
Here's the photos
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
From what I can make of it, it seems to be sending 6 win+r key presses then I'd say it sends two different shortcuts to launch the run dialog on macs (guessing, no clue if that's it or not), followed by backspace to clear anything that might be in the run dialog, then types the url followed by a space and then enter and another key I couldn't find, probably the equivalent of enter on the mac. I guess this relies on windows and mac ignoring some keys and doing nothing.
On the hardware side there is not much to identify, on the left there seems to be some sticky gum (can't see very well from the pic), I'd say that's what was sticking the pcb to the plastic case. Then there is the black blob of resin that covers the micro controller itself (chip on board assembly), nothing to see there, it's the cheapest way to make it and as far as I know there is no way to know what's inside. The 2 small parts besides the black resin blob seem to be 2 smd capacitors (judging by the markings), possible functions may be supply voltage filtering and to define the internal clock frequency.
On one side there are the contacts used to connect to the usb bus and on the underside the 4 contacts/pads are probably used to program the micro controller with the custom data and that's it.
On the hardware side there is not much to identify, on the left there seems to be some sticky gum (can't see very well from the pic), I'd say that's what was sticking the pcb to the plastic case. Then there is the black blob of resin that covers the micro controller itself (chip on board assembly), nothing to see there,
Spot on The glob of glue appears to be to hold it firm inside it's casing so it can't rattle.
On one side there are the contacts used to connect to the usb bus and on the underside the 4 contacts/pads are probably used to program the micro controller with the custom data and that's it.
Someone suggested to me that it would be handy to reprogram to change your wallpaper or browser homepage etc then plug it in to peoples computer when they leave it unlocked
Thanks for all your input, I'll mark this as solved since 'sendkeys -a' is a "safe" way to test them. On a side note for future readers, I had to do that command in a VC, if I tried in X the window would loose focus when plugging in the USB.
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
Even better would be to reprogram it to move the mouse and/or send key presses at random times
The only thing in the way of doing that is finding out exactly which micro controller is hiding under the blob of resin.
The only thing in the way of doing that is finding out exactly which micro controller is hiding under the blob of resin.
Way outside my skill-set unfortunately
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
As most things it is easier said than done XD ... finding out which micro controller is there requires a programmer (even if it is homemade), software that knows how to read and write to the micro controller and lots of trial and error. This is just the start, then the mandatory usb stack source and emulation of mouse/keyboard is necessary.
After finding out which micro controller is there then at least the usb stack source may be available from the manufacturer of the chip (some do provide stuff like that) but the "extra" stuff may need to be implemented .... it looks like a lot of work for little reward, not to mention that datasheets, SDKs, prototype programmer schematics (read simple homemade programmer) and example source code may be hard to find for less end user massified/well know brands of micro controllers.
.... less end user massified/well know brands of micro controllers.
The space-cadet I spoke to about it at the company insisted that these things are almost ubiquitous and couldn't believe I'd never come across one before... Then proceeded to make passive-aggressive insults about my capability as an IT Tech. He was on another planet, I swear.
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
R00KIE wrote:.... less end user massified/well know brands of micro controllers.
The space-cadet I spoke to about it at the company insisted that these things are almost ubiquitous and couldn't believe I'd never come across one before... Then proceeded to make passive-aggressive insults about my capability as an IT Tech. He was on another planet, I swear.
I'm not really sure what to say about that .... must be have been one of those space cowboy users, or as bofh [1] would put it, lusers, that think they know it all but can't tell if they are looking at a screw or bolt. Programmable logic can be made to look like anything, as the programmable in the name implies
The hardware inside can come from any number of manufacturers and change without notice, as long as it does the same function, the end luser doesn't care or notice, even if it comes from the same manufacturer the micro controller inside can change, it can support more (or most probably less features if the thing gets really massified and making it cheaper is the priority), have less memory, less I/O ports, the physical connections and hence the hardware addresses where they can be accessed can change, even the configuration of similar peripherals (such as usb) can have subtle differences that can make you bang your head in the wall trying to figure out why things don't work. Even errata revisions of the same chip can behave differently. Programming the thing is not the same as plugging it and get spied upon
Finding documentation about the chips (datasheets, example code, SDK, compilers, schematics) for brands like atmel and microchip is easy, you can even get free samples, for other less known manufacturers (less known/used/easily available for anonymous people like you and me) you'll have a hard time finding even datasheets, let alone anything else that will make your life easier, I guess the manufacturer will provide all that if you buy in volume and sign a NDA, not the case here, specially because the objective would be to hack the thing for benevolent mischief and laughs
But then again, I'd say that chap must have had trouble with his password and caps lock before and though the problem was not his/hers, so his disconsideration for the one(s) who keep things running smoothly for him/her was to be expected.
Have fun reading all the stories if you like a bit twisted british humor
I'm not really sure what to say about that .... must be have been one of those space cowboy users, or as bofh [1] would put it, lusers, that think they know it all but can't tell if they are looking at a screw or bolt. Programmable logic can be made to look like anything, as the programmable in the name implies
But then again, I'd say that chap must have had trouble with his password and caps lock before and though the problem was not his/hers, so his disconsideration for the one(s) who keep things running smoothly for him/her was to be expected.
The companies catch-cry to anyone querying the security of the device seems to be "there's no memory in the device so there's no security concerns" and "it says it's secure on the device" (Literally, it says "Secure USB Device" on it. Phew! I guess anything that *says* it's secure is safe then!)
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
The companies catch-cry to anyone querying the security of the device seems to be "there's no memory in the device so there's no security concerns" and "it says it's secure on the device" (Literally, it says "Secure USB Device" on it. Phew! I guess anything that *says* it's secure is safe then!)
Yeah ... right ... very conveniently they forget that browsers have shown to have more security holes than a tight mosquito net, with the possibility of drive by downloads and remote code execution, not that those things have ever been used maliciously
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