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because distrochooser said so
i like Arch because its non-bloated distro.
[AMD Ryzen 9 5900X] [ROG STRIX X570-F GAMING] [GeForce RTX 4060 Ti] [Ram 48GB] [ASUSTek Xonar SoundCard]
Gotta go fast, as they say. Latest and greatest, no fuss yo!
Also because it seems to be the most easy to use distro currently available, with other distros I've just been getting freezes and god knows what out of nowhere..
I prefer the bleeding edge and manually installing. This makes it so that i can install whatever i want from scratch.
It's my first distro - I've been meaning to come to Linux for some years.
I chose Arch because...
* I wanted something not easy
* I wanted to learn
* I wanted a challenge
* I wanted my efforts in learning to have a return on investment.
Honestly, I didn't expect Arch to be as incredible as it is...
* It's far more stable than I thought it would be
* "The Arch Way" fits into my personality well
* Pacman is actually pretty awesome
* Community is really rich, diverse and thriving.
* Virtually anything works on it with little-to-no effort
* Everything I really needed works perfectly... well except for maybe SLI.
I've broken and fixed so much already, and I could not be happier with the decision.
I basically got fed up with Windows and wanted to switch to Linux. I was using Debian for a while, and I decided to move onto Arch for a couple of reasons.
The main reason was for updates, since it's a rolling release and everything is always kept up to date. I'll be getting a Navi GPU (5700XT) soon, and I can easily just use the latest mesa-git for the GPU, along with using a modern kernel. I can still game on Arch, and I often play GTA V on Steam; the performance of the game actually matches Windows for me.
Another reason was to learn, I wanted to see if I could manage to install Arch and actually get it to work, since I'm interested in learning about the Linux OS. I was really happy with Arch once I managed to get it working. At first, I did manage to break some things and had to chroot to fix them, but it was relatively easy and I haven't managed to make any silly mistakes like that in a long time.
The OS is much easier to use and maintain than I would have expected, pacman and AURs make things relatively simple for the most part. My system has always been perfectly stable for me on Arch. Pacman is amazing, and even if something isn't available on pacman, there's almost always an AUR for it, and there's even AUR wrappers such as yay.
The wiki is also pretty amazing, the documentation on there is outstanding, and it even makes the installation itself much easier than one might have expected. I'd like to thank the community for all the work that's clearly gone into the wiki, everything is so in depth, and it covers the majority of possible issues.
I prefer the bleeding edge
I like to tell people that IMO Arch Linux is not bleeding edge (painful), but cutting edge (sharp):
bleeding edge: packages are basically just compiled from unchanged upstream code and thrown into the repos; people using that are (alpha, beta) testers. Preferably knowingly so (maybe [testing] is exactly that, or Debian Sid).
cutting edge: there is some process of testing & ensuring the software runs smoothly before packaging it for the main repos. Thanks to AL’s simple but genius No Partial Upgrades policy this process is short but (usually) sufficient.
In other words: for me Archlinux has always been sufficiently stable while staying very close to the pulse of upstream software development. Not painful.
Even with Debian Bullseye (testing) and Sid (unstable), the latest version of Mesa on those repos is 19.3.3. On Arch, you can get just get version 19.3.4 from multilib, but I use mesa-git from an AUR to get the latest development version. I like how it's easy to do something like this on Arch without running into dependency issues. I guess Ubuntu has PPAs, but Ubuntu isn't really my cup of tea.
That being said, I still like Debian since it's still something you can learn a lot on, and I'd much rather plain Debian over Ubuntu. Arch is kept much more up to date, which is one of my main reasons for using it. I feel like it's required when it comes to modern hardware, like Navi GPUs for example, which still don't work on Debian Buster, and Mesa 19.3.x would be needed from the testing or unstable repos.
Arch would have mesa 20, except that it's marked as a development release, so we only have it in testing.
That being said, 20.0.1 is out now, so maybe it will be time to push it to stable?
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Even with Debian Bullseye (testing) and Sid (unstable), the latest version of Mesa on those repos is 19.3.3.
Experimental has v20.0.1: … 1-mesa-dri
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Mod note: this user vandalised their post and has been banned.
Last edited by WorMzy (2020-04-23 22:17:28)
Light, fast, best documentation ever, and Pacman is the single best package manager I have used in my 20+ years of open source OS's. I don't get a lot of cruft when installing and I can use Pacman to surgically remove things without killing everything.
People say Arch is hard to install and use, I disagree, but then again I know my way around the cli and have a lot of experience. It takes me less than 30 minutes to install Arch, give or take, following the wiki.
"Give a man a truth and he will think for a day. Teach a man to reason and he will think for a lifetime"
I chose Arch because I wanted to learn more about how Linux works and honestly I haven't been disappointed yet. I've found that I also like how lightweight it is and enjoy starting with a blank slate to play around with however I want.
Surprisingly, despite what I've heard, Arch has also been the most stable experience I've had with any distro on linux.
Edit: I also absolutely f*ckin love the wiki. I very rarely have had to ask about much in the forums thanks to it.
Edit 2: I almost forgot to mention that pacman is my favorite of all package managers I've used and AUR is something I've become pretty accustomed to now.
Last edited by moogin (2020-03-23 12:39:32)
Originally for the challenge, but mostly for the reputation (i.e. high reviews). It's living up to its reputation: fast, fun, and surprising reliable. Best wiki by far. So far have been able to find all the answers I needed without ever having to post a question on the forum. But I guess my needs are fairly simple.
- Simple (in the Unix sense... technically and conceptually simple to understand, very transparent)
- Fast
- Adaptable
- Rolling release model is very good for desktop use (very current and updates don't affect a huge number of packages at the same time)
- Good Documentation
- pacman is a really good package manager
- The AUR and the package building process in general is also very good
It's also a good learning distro if you're at that stage.
int pi = 3;
Someone told me about ArchLinux, I then read some of the reviews on distrowatch. Wanted to see what all
the fuss was about for myself so I thought I would just try it to see what Arch is like. Everything seems to run
smoother and faster, even the games I play. It's been 7 months and haven't looked back, so I guess Arch chose
Last edited by f33dm3bits (2020-04-22 18:38:43)
Why? Because the build system makes it very easy to build out unwanted deps and to create as lightweight an environment as possible. This can also be done on in other distros, but certainly not as easily. PKDBUILDs rule!
Arch Linux + sway
Debian Testing + GNOME/sway
NetBSD 64-bit + Xfce
Why? Because the build system makes it very easy to build out unwanted deps and to create as lightweight an environment as possible. This can also be done on in other distros, but certainly not as easily. PKDBUILDs rule!
I'd argue Gentoo is even easier, because someone else has already done it for you and all you need is to configure your USE flags according to their documented intended results.
USE flags are surely easier than even a simple PKGBUILD modification, as the former is data, while the latter is code.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
I am pretty new to linux even though I have been on and off with ubuntu. I always like Linux.
I chose Arch because I like the logo LOL
but all honesty, i love the simplicity and i converted my macbook and my PC to be Arch with i3 and i just love CLI
Last edited by HaxNet (2020-04-27 22:07:17)
I would say I am relatively new as I have only used Linux, on bare metal mind you, since late December of last year. The reason why I use Arch Linux is due to a few reasons. The major reasons I could list are due to its K.I.S.S philosophy in doing this, its relative minimalism, AUR, ABS and the fact that it updates to the most up to date versions of packages.
Generic response; Operation Stated: Invalid.
Because people says it is hard to install and maintain, challenge accepted, now I am here with my minimal Archi3 install and enjoying the modularity of Arch.
Alphabetical order, really, it was the first one I saw when first searched for Linux distributions and jumped right into it like a madman!
I enjoyed breaking stuff for "research", and really love having it on bare metal as my daily driver.
One thing I miss is the random blue screen of death and black magic...nah I'm kidding
I'll list below my reasons, in descending order of relevance:
-Simplicity. I Install only what I'll use. I know everything what is installed on my system. Freaking everything.
-Pacman (Its package manager). Ok, I didn't know about this one really well before using it, but now that I do.. Man, oh man. B-bye dependencies and the PPA's nightmare.
-Rolling distro.
-Vanilla packages. Arch, most of the time, has vanilla packages (not as heavily modified as the Ubuntu ones) which spares you a lot of time you'd otherwise spend inventing Ubuntu specific workarounds.
-Freaking makepkg and PKGBUILD files.
Last edited by lucasrizzini (2020-07-23 13:26:53)
in descending order of relevance
AUR before pacman?
AUR before pacman?
Two sides of the same coin... you wouldn't have 50000 packages by random people without a simple packaging format.
Last edited by Alad (2020-07-24 08:40:57)
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby
I am a Linux beginner and despite what everyone was saying, I find other distros very very confusing.
Complicated desktop environments are very confusing and often don't behave properly. On the other hand, i3wm with Arch is very simple and easy for me to understand and use.
I also use a Wacom tablet a lot of the time. To make a long story short, I really need the most up-to-date version of certain packages. With Arch, I don't have to compile them myself all the time.
I was using Hyperbola because it was *even more simple* and fully free, but while openrc is easier to get a hang of than systemd, there is less support for it so when something goes wrong, you are not as likely to be able to find the answer online. So I am using Arch as a middle ground between the ideal OS (for me that means completely minimal, and 100% libre) and something with a large community and a lot of support for automated installation of programs I use on a daily basis.
Although there is a certain "elitest vibe" and the forums aren't the friendliest place in the world, I honestly think it is mostly for show. Arch can be much easier to use if you are willing to do some reading. Using an Ubuntu derivative with a setup you didn't create is more difficult in the sense that you probably don't entirely understand it since someone else put it together.