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Hi, I have a problem to conect to vpnc server using a networkmanager-vpnc. I create a vpnc connection, but the user password and group password is always left blank. Although I edit these fields and write the passwords, after recording the connection again those fields left blank. If I run nm-connection-editor as a regular user, in those fields I see the passwords I wrote, but if I run nm-connection-editor as root, see blank fields. If anyone has encountered a similar problem, appreciate your help.
Best regards
Hi, I did it just to verify that what I'm seeing when editing vpnc connections through the gnome-control-center, is the same as running nm-connection-editor as root. For some reason, the editing of these connections using the gnome-control-center does not do as a regular user.
Something like that, actually in the new version of Gnome3, nm-applet does not use nm-connection-editor, use another interface. But looking on the internet, they made mention to nm-connection-editor and for that reason I experimented with it, finding myself with the same result as what I'm experiencing the edit connections through nm-applet. For this reason, I assume that the root problem must be the same.