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I try to use the ssh file system. This requires the fuse module to be loaded. The problem is that i dont manage to load it:
# modprobe fuse
FATAL: Module fuse not found.
I have also tried to add it in rc.conf, with no success. I guess it is something that i don't understand here...
(I have tried to make /dev/fuse manually: mknod -m 666 /dev/fuse c 10 229)
Any ideas?
Witch kernel are you using. fuse only exists in 2.6.14, otherwise you have too build it yourselves.
Edit: You are from Norway
I use I guess i have to enable the testing repository then...
Yes, i'm from norway!
You don't have to use testing, as long as you're prepared to build fuse yourself. Take the PKGBUILD from extra, and change --disable-kernel-module to --enable-kernel-module, and then run makepkg. After installing it, you'll need to do
depmod -a
or if you want to be really thorough, make up a fuse.install that does this for you.
P.S. I'm not from Norway.