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Hello, I introduce myself : I am 24 years old and want to learn many things about linux, projects and developement : because it is really powerfull and this is the way I see computering in the future.
I explain my problem : I have to say that I have read a lot of documentation about nfsv4 and the system works (I don't have any problem of writing permission or anything else)
computer1 : /mymountcomputer1,fsid=0,insecure,no_hide,no_subtree_check,no_acl,all_squash,sync)
: sudo mount -t nfs4 computer2:/ /mymountcomputer1
computer2 : /mymountcomputer2,fsid=0,insecure,no_hide,no_subtree_check,no_acl,all_squash,sync)
: sudo mount -t nfs4 computer1:/ /mymountcomputer2
/mymountcomputer1 == /mymountcomputer2 (I should be able to see in both direction)
When I mount each one it works when I mount both nothing works
Many thanks to help me on this situation
if they are different computers, shouldn't the IP addresses be different? Or am I mis-reading something here.
Wait !! are you trying to mount two different folders on different computers on the same mount point by saying that /mymountcomputer1 == /mymountcomputer2 ??
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
First question's answer : Their ip addresses are different
Second question's answer : You are part right, I should explain that it is not exactly the same mountpoint if I draw it would be represented as a cross or an X. but to be simple this is what I want.
The thing is that I have tried with sshfs and it worked but It always disconnects or bugs when a 3rd man reboot his computer.
if I draw it would be represented as a cross or an X. but to be simple this is what I want.
I am thoroughly confused by this. I think you need to try to give a proper explanation of exactly what you are trying to do, as the information you are giving now either doesn't make any sense or I am not seeing the whole picture.
Server :
sudo sshfs -o allow_other mugen@ /mnt/test/somedir
Client :
sudo sshfs -o allow_other mugen@ /prod/driver/project
I want the same on NFS as Inxsible idea
Are you trying to replicate data so that it is stored on both "computer1" and "computer2"? If so, you cannot do this with NFS.
I'm with WonderWoofy here. From the information provided, I have no idea what you're trying to do. Please explain it again, as clearly as you can - it might help if you include some background about why you want to do whatever you're doing.
computer1 : /mymountcomputer1,fsid=0,insecure,no_hide,no_subtree_check,no_acl,all_squash,sync)
: sudo mount -t nfs4 computer2:/ /mymountcomputer1
According to what you've posted, you haven't shared / on "computer2" in /etc/exports so I don't understand how you're mounting it.
It appears you're trying to mount the / filesystem of each computer on the other computer. This will create a cyclic loop and I wouldn't expect it to work.
Your last post is using sshfs, not nfs, so now you're confusing us even more....
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
Hello, thanks to help for this problem.
I try to explain better and sorry for confusing everybody here.
Well I got a server where there are multiple folders of some user (/prod/eminem, /prod/u2, /prod/jayz).
1) The user mounts the "root" shared folder of the server (he sees /prod/eminem, /prod/u2, /prod/jayz in /share/server so the paths are /share/server/eminem, /share/server/u2, /share/server/jayz).
2) The server mounts a folder of the user which is located in his local hard drive (for example the computer of jayz shares /home/photos/friday_night_with_snoop dogg).
The server mounts each local folder of each user and each client mount the root folder, understood ?
Now :
According to me you should see on the server /home/photos/friday_night_with_snoop dogg in /prod/jayz >>> It works, no problem !
Then :
The result is that on the computer of jayz (client) /share/server/jayz which would be the same as /home/photos/friday_night_with_snoop dogg I can't see anything. (this is my problem)
So I have understood that with NFS it could not be possible so I dit it with sshfs and it worked.
I must do this way because the photos of jay-z are very heavy and I can't buy more storage and I need something faster than the actual solution.
My question : Is there an other solution in order to make it work without using sshfs ? Or. Have you ever made this schema work with high performance ?
By the way with sshfs : when the client computer reboots or shuts down u2 and eminem can't work because sshfsd process is blocked and i always need to kill the process.
Bonus question : Can I script automatically a .service in order to make a listener of both computers (client and server) in bash ? If yes how you do so ? with sshfs or any other solution.
Many thanks
All the best to all.
Still don't get the why of it all. If jayz has local content in /home, why can't he just access it there?
Maybe pictures would help, because I still don't understand the goal here.
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
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