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This might be stupid but I can't get it to work and I've found no guides anywhere on the internet. Should the plugin be installed automatically when i install the gnash-package or what do I need to do?
Should the plugin be installed automatically when i install the gnash-package or what do I need to do?
The gnash-gtk package has the plugin for firefox.
Was this ever resolved? I am having the same problem. I just installed gnash-gtk and it is not working in firefox:
Was this ever resolved? I am having the same problem. I just installed gnash-gtk and it is not working in firefox:
I have the same problem.
The current gnash-gtk package is broken. Is does not take into account the new boost-lib dependencym, see here: … &closedto=
I guess this will be fixed eventually, but for me, there is still another problem: My firefox plugin directory is /usr/lib/xulrunner- but the gnash-package thinks it must be under /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. So I created a symlink from the first to the latter directory.
But because of the boost-lib issue, I had to create my own package-build from a recent gnash-dev snapshot. Now, for the first time I have gnash working and can watch you-tube videos under x64.
If there is enough interest, I could adopt the current orphan gnash-cvs package in "unsupported" to help out until the other devs have catched up.
Let me know what you think.
Last edited by CjK (2008-11-08 19:51:09)
You can also use extra/swfdec-mozilla plugin.
You can also use extra/swfdec-mozilla plugin.
Swfdec just never worked for me (no picture in videos) so I gave up on it.
But right, one should use whatever works for her/him.
Gnash is making quick progress recently, so I'll stay with it for the time being.
If there is enough interest, I could adopt the current orphan gnash-cvs package in "unsupported" to help out until the other devs have catched up.
I'd be interested.
If there is enough interest, I could adopt the current orphan gnash-cvs package in "unsupported" to help out until the other devs have catched up.
Let me know what you think.
yeah - I'd be interested too - I can't get it to build - why don't you supply the PKGBUILD for the time being
OK, here is the PKGBUILD that currently works for me, using a recent snapshot from gnashdev.
Two issues remain:
1. Current versioning needs to be improved to enable updates (shouldn't be too difficult, I just didn't care enough for now)
2. Not sure what plugin-dir defaults to on other systems. Mine is "/usr/lib/xulrunner-" but I created a symlink from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins to the former to make it more generic. No idea whether this is the correct place. Adjust this parameter, if your Firefox-plugin dir is somewhere else. I'm using Firefox 3.0.3 from AUR.
This package provides both the standalone gnash-player *and* the plugin. So it replaces gnash-common and gnash-gtk.
Let me know what to improve or whether it works for you. I can then upload it to AUR.
# Contributor : Claus Klingberg <>
pkgdesc="A GNU Flash movie player."
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('fontconfig' 'libxml2' 'curl' 'libtool>=2.2-2' 'ffmpeg>=20080625' 'boost>=1.34.1-2' 'libxi' 'libdca' 'glib2')
makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'diffutils' 'agg' 'gtk2')
# source=(${pkgver}/gnash-${pkgver}.tar.bz2)
# md5sums=('5033ef2602ea1234a9ccb73000a0dedb')
options=('!libtool' '!emptydirs')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/gnash-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/usr \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--disable-kparts \
--with-npapi-plugindir=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins \
--enable-gui=GTK \
--enable-z \
--enable-jpeg \
--enable-renderer=agg \
--enable-media=ffmpeg \
--enable-write \
--enable-mp3 \
--disable-cygnal \
--disable-static \
--with-ffmpeg-incl=/usr/include || return 1
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install install-plugin
Welcome to the forums CjK.
You're PKGBUILD works here even with a FFmpeg that's around eight hours old. Nice. I have a question: is the quality poor for you?
You're PKGBUILD works here even with a FFmpeg that's around eight hours old. Nice. I have a question: is the quality poor for you?
Nice to hear it works for you.
Can't really judge quality by now; Haven't watched enough high-quality movies recently. Compared to my S.O's Ubuntu + AdobeFlash combination stands up well.
For now, I guess we have to be gratefull if most movies play at all (and don't crash) :-}
Anyway - I refused to install a bunch of otherwise needless lib32 overhead to make ignorant Adobe's Flash happy on x64.
Awesome, thanks.
Hei - thanks a bunch CjK - it works real nice over here too, hits the default plug-in dir and the naming seems ok since it reflects the naming of the coders - NICE
you just need:
./configure --enable-hwaccel=vaapi
make install-plugin
su -c "make install"
The thread is more than 2 years old. I am sure the op has moved on.
So I am going to close this thread, now that it has a possible solution from you and we don't want users to keep bumping an old thread.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
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