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Wow, you did it again! Just a lean and very nice desktop configuration, just great!
Hey everyone,
Here is my Jan 2012 screenshots I'm using Gnome Shell with my custom themes. Check the rest of my themes out here
Gnome Shell Theme Black and Blue created by me:
After ~15 years of being a black text on white background person, I decided to take Solarized for a spin and ended up 'solarizing' everything on my netbook.
dwm with the pertag patch, conky and terminusmod powering the status bar.
After ~15 years of being a black text on white background person, I decided to take Solarized for a spin and ended up 'solarizing' everything on my netbook.
dwm with the pertag patch, conky and terminusmod powering the status bar.
I used black on white for a year, the contrast is super high, you can turn down brightness on your screens without any problems. However after a while I started to get annoyed by the high contrast at night, even the lowest brightness started to hurt my eyes in long, latenight, coding sessions.
I switched to black on gray, dark on light gray and finally started enjoying light gray on dark gray the best.
Is the blue anything fun to code on? It seems so weird, how's the change in contrast when you switch to normally colored apps, a browser for example or gtk apps?
First post
I'm using DWM 5.9, along with a custom statusbar script and xcompmgr for transparency.
Last edited by Mirceam94 (2012-01-10 21:56:16)
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First post
That girl isn`t "13" from Doctor House?:D
offtopic-I love that movie:D
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
Nice looking desk you have there. Mind sharing some details like icons, style and gtk theme? And anything else what xfce needs to look like that.
Arch64/DWM || My Dropbox referral link
@Teho i've installed plasma-widget-menubar but i appears only the tab "File" even if the all menu that remains in the application, why?
@Teho i've installed plasma-widget-menubar but i appears only the tab "File" even if the all menu that remains in the application, why?
you need packages like appmenu-qt and appmenu-gtk. appmenu-gtk requires gtk-ubuntu which don't compile at the moment....
That's not very "clean"
toketin wrote:@Teho i've installed plasma-widget-menubar but i appears only the tab "File" even if the all menu that remains in the application, why?
you need packages like appmenu-qt and appmenu-gtk. appmenu-gtk requires gtk-ubuntu which don't compile at the moment....
So i can't use it if they don't compile
Is the blue anything fun to code on? It seems so weird, how's the change in contrast when you switch to normally colored apps, a browser for example or gtk apps?
I don't often spend hours on end coding, but when I do or am writing/editing text I find it very easy on the eyes. Switching to a browser or GTK app is indeed a wee bit jarring, like coming out of the cinema on a sunny afternoon (but that's the case with any dark background colourscheme).
lswest wrote:userlander wrote:Simple Openbox, conky, tint2:
Anyone know how to center the calendar? Tried everything I could find, nothing worked. Here's the expression I used:
${font dejavu sans mono:size=8.5}${execpi 60 DJS=`date +%_d`; cal | sed s/"\(^\|[^0-9]\)$DJS"'\b'/'\1${color #f57900}'"$DJS"'$color'/} ${font}
Works for me with the following (note the $alignc before the execpi statement):
${font dejavu sans mono:size=8.5}$alignc${execpi 60 DJS=`date +%_d`; cal | sed s/"\(^\|[^0-9]\)$DJS"'\b'/'\1${color #f57900}'"$DJS"'$color'/} ${font}
*EDIT* I just realized that this messes up the last week of the month with regards to the day of the week. You'll either need to figure out a way of aligning the last line on the left, or else hope someone knows a better solution.
*EDIT #2* I fell back on simply inserting a horizontal offset in order to move the calendar into the correct location. You'll need to play with the offset to get it more or less correct, but here's the code:
${font dejavu sans mono:size=8.5}${offset 25}${execpi 60 DJS=`date +%_d`; cal | sed s/"\(^\|[^0-9]\)$DJS"'\b'/'\1${color #f57900}'"$DJS"'$color'/} ${font}
Thx 4 suggestions lswest, but all of them only center the name of the month, not the actual calendar. Anyone else have a possible solution? Not sure why it wouldn't work - maybe the code I'm using has some bad characters in it?
Ok, for anyone else having this problem, I finally got it to work with this expression. Just change the offset to whatever you want it to be:
${font DejaVu Sans Mono:size=8.5}${color}${execpi 300 cal |sed -e "s/\<$(date +%-d)\>/\${color 993124}&\${color}/" -e 's/^/${offset 60}/'} ${font}
Would you mind posting your full .conkyrc? It looks like exactly what I've been looking to use myself.