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The newest linux 3.8 update no longer supports ntlm, resulting in fstab no longer auto-mounting the cifs shares on my old buffalo tera-station. The workaround is to add "sec=ntlm" in fstab.
// /mountpoint cifs sec=ntlm,noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0
Please note ntlm is NOT secure!
Last edited by brasas (2013-03-19 14:10:48)
May you live all the days of your life.
- Jonathan Swift
Yesterday my Arch installs stopped being able to access samba shares that I have set up in fstab as well. I fixed them my adding the "sec=ntlm" to fstab as you suggested. I'm hoping there is a bug fix in the works. I'm not familiar with that variable, how is it not secure?
Last edited by Beelzebud (2013-03-20 18:43:39)
I have several cifs entries in my fstab:
//phoenix/share /mnt/phoenix cifs noauto,uid=testing,gid=users,file_mode=0664,dir_mode=0775,iocharset=iso8859-15,credentials=/home/pcreds 0 0
//server/storage /mnt/server cifs noauto,uid=testing,gid=users,file_mode=0664,dir_mode=0775,iocharset=iso8859-15,credentials=/home/screds 0 0
//vault/Operations/ /mnt/vault cifs noauto,uid=testing,gid=users,file_mode=0664,dir_mode=0775,iocharset=iso8859-15,credentials=/home/vcreds 0 0
"Phoenix" is the only one I'm having issues with (and your suggestion fixes the issue). It's XP and the only one that I know for sure is updated regularly. "Server' is W2k3 Storage Server and it probably hasn't been updated in a while. "Vault" is some Ubuntu LTS I think, no idea about its update status.
But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.
-Lysander Spooner
Thank you very much. Your advice is a life saver.