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I would like to rent a remote Arch Linux box / shared server on which I can install programs, running scripts (my auto blogger Ruby scripts), and (nearly) always online. Preferably cheap one.
Zhx, which one is good for beginners?
I know absolutely nothing about VPS.
Linode are one of the best VPS providers out there in my experience, and excellent prices too. Digital Ocean are also quite good.
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
I'd also recommend Linode.
xfce | compiz | gmrun | urxvt | chromium | geany | aqualung | vlc | geeqie
I was just about to recommend Linode too. They're based a half hour away from me and I interviewed with them, sadly I didn't get it because I had no prior Linux jobs. Their infrastructure is awesome though and it only takes about 5 minutes to deploy a bootable Arch install. I told that that running things on their server in North Jersey was faster than doing things on my own Arch box, which I thought was amazing.
Virpus is the cheapest I have seen. Plus they are having a 50% off promotion right now (today is the last day of the promotion). I just bought my 2core/1024M ram plan for $48/year. Just search twitter for the Virpus promotion code.
Virpus is the cheapest, but their reputation is kind of bad. (according to complaints online)
I recently bought KVM based vps (KVM Micro) from Installation of Arch Linux was kind of pain (not enough memory, so I had to create some swap), but other than that, it runs like a charm. Their customer support is also good, here I feel like I get more than I pay for
Hmmm, or buy Raspberry Pi, put Arch Linux there and send it to EDIS to Austria
English isn't my first language.
Is Arch Linux user called archer? Where are our bows and arrows?
Hmmm, or buy Raspberry Pi, put Arch Linux there and send it to EDIS to Austria
That is an interesting business plan on EDIS' behalf.
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl