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i have been avoiding email usage on linux for years because it seems so complicated. im sure its as simple as the rest, but im not sure i get it, short of seeing a flowchart or something.....
i would like to set up my lamp server to relay off of our external smtp relay server, or even better use an implemented sendmail smtp server, which i already have 99% implemented, and have it to where the cron job emails that land inside the spool/clientmqueue actually get sent out to my email address. the whole thing seems a bit cryptic to me.
what daemon or service is in charge of dispatching those emails out, and what could i be missing in my configurations , or what application is it possible that i need installed to get these emails dispatched out via smtp and sent to my email client inbox?
my email client is on a windows machine, i just want the linux server box to ship out as much of the reporting to my inbox as possible (cron jobs, apache errors, etc..) so that i dont hvae to dig through logs for those.
i have send mail installed, i have send mail configured per the wiki. i have my alias setup to my email address. i have cron building emails inside the clientmqueue directory.
i dont think i hvae figured out yet where to configure the external smtp, which leads me to believe that i probably dont even have the sendmail configured correctly either to use its own smtp server.
where do i start, and can someone give me a (simple) list of all tools that i will need to do this, from start to finish.
i use cronie
in short, its not working, and i dont have the flow of these services mapped in my own brain enough to know where to go to troubleshoot.
Have a look at
Thanks for the response. That looks like i might be able to use it.
Is there someone who can explain the theory? there must be scores of users here that know this technology inside and out. I just want to know the theory behind it, this is to say, the tools and equipment needed in broad terms for an email to get from a cron job to an smtp server. What tools do i need, what elements do i need to configure, what technology does it use. This will help me solve my problems myself.
Last edited by wolfdogg (2014-05-01 04:33:08)
This may assist you if I understand what you're looking to learn: … ta-mda-mua
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Basically, when a cronie script prints something to stdout/stderr, cronie will send this output to the specified email address using the configured MTA (mail transfer agent).