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Last edited by ackt1c (2022-11-05 13:01:52)
-- mod edit: read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
Back to XMonad after a long time, using the EqualSpacing module.
Funny, I also keep returning to XMonad. Nice setup btw.
Switched to arch last night after screwing something up in gentoo. I didn't have time to fix it (as I had to write a paper for a final exam), so I quickly installed arch. Changed some configs from my pc and set it up for my macbook
Looks great, is that a custom ranger theme?
Looks great, is that a custom ranger theme?
Thanks! but no sir, it's honestly just default ranger. I guess my Xresources colours map really well with ranger
Personal spot :: :: Try not to get lost!
I really like your color schemes.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong with cut n pasting info but I have yellow bars in ncmpcpp and purple text in ranger. Thoughts? Thanks.
Last edited by tzoi516 (2014-12-17 17:56:38)
DotDev wrote:I really like your color schemes.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong with cut n pasting info but I have yellow bars in ncmpcpp and purple text in ranger. Thoughts? Thanks.
Sorry to interject - it's likely because of your terminal colors. ncmpcpp colors are based on your terminal colorscheme.
Character shines in the great moments, but is polished in the little ones.
tzoi516 wrote:DotDev wrote:I really like your color schemes.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong with cut n pasting info but I have yellow bars in ncmpcpp and purple text in ranger. Thoughts? Thanks.
Sorry to interject - it's likely because of your terminal colors. ncmpcpp colors are based on your terminal colorscheme.
I appreciate the input. The colors are specified in the .Xresources file for URxvt.
Last edited by tzoi516 (2014-12-17 17:57:05)
Tzoi56: Ranger colorschemes can use 256 colors, you needn't change your terminal colors. See for one example.
And to stay on topic: brightening things up here (er, relatively speaking) for winter.
github ○
Offline … 88shdz.png
Full SizeWork setup with i3, geany, some urxvtc's and lariza. Merging some commits of mine into the webkit2 branch of lariza. I'm going with the simple and clean fixed font. Linux rocks!
Do you mind sharing your font settings? I really liked the fixed terminal font but cannot reproduce it here.
Have been using I3 for a long time now. Also been using solarized colour scheme for quite a while but was getting bored of it. Switched to Zenburn.
i3 (Quite basic config), using two bars with one hidden.
Mopidy + ncmpcpp
GTK Theme: Zenburn ( aur/gtk-zenburn )
Redshift for the eyes but that is not visible on the screenshot
Font: Monaco
Most of the time i "make" my wallpapers myself. What I do:
I search google for some cool white background wallpapers, and then use gimp to get them to match my colorscheme (solarized,zenburn,...) if anybody likes it let me know and I'll upload it/them and edit the post.
Last edited by bdeferme (2014-12-19 17:32:50)
This is actually pretty damn awesome.
Character shines in the great moments, but is polished in the little ones.
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How did you do the thing with the visualizer in ncmpcpp? On one hand, how did you split the window to show both the visualizer and the playlist view (unless you are just using a multiplexer which is what I think is happening) Also, your visualizer seems to be coming from the bottom and is not centered if that makes sense.
How did you do the thing with the visualizer in ncmpcpp? On one hand, how did you split the window to show both the visualizer and the playlist view (unless you are just using a multiplexer which is what I think is happening) Also, your visualizer seems to be coming from the bottom and is not centered if that makes sense.
The splitting has been in ncmpcpp for a while, the hotkey for it is control-L. As for the visualizer, that's just setting visualizer_in_stereo to no in the config.
agahnim wrote:How did you do the thing with the visualizer in ncmpcpp? On one hand, how did you split the window to show both the visualizer and the playlist view (unless you are just using a multiplexer which is what I think is happening) Also, your visualizer seems to be coming from the bottom and is not centered if that makes sense.
The splitting has been in ncmpcpp for a while, the hotkey for it is control-L. As for the visualizer, that's just setting visualizer_in_stereo to no in the config.
Thanks much! Wibjarm
Now for my screens. I guess its Rei for Christmas!!