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Since the update to NetworkManager 1.0, when I first connect to my wireless home network the connection drops and reconnects several times before finally settling on a stable connection. Downgrading to fixes the problem.
Here is the output of
journalctl -b 0 -u NetworkManager
My solution was to get rid of NetworkManager and switch to connecting manually through the ip link and wifi-menu utilities. Slightly more hassle than auto-connecting through NetworkManager, but it's not really that big a deal, and I get a more reliable connection that way.
Last edited by supergeek800 (2015-02-14 08:00:43)
PC: Arch Linux x64 | customized Cinnamon desktop | Latitude E6440 | Core i5-4310m | 16GB RAM | 500GB SSD | Das Model S Pro Soft Tactile keyboard | Logitech Trackman Marble trackball.
Audio: Sony STR-DH500 5.1ch AVR | Modified Koss Portapro headphones | Rockboxed Sansa Fuze | Realistic Minimus 11 front and rear satellite speakers + Minimus 7 center channel.
This is a known problem with version 1.0 of NetworkManager -- either downgrade or switch from dhcpcd to dhclient.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî