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Hello everybody,
I have installed Arch in VirtualBox on a computer at university. In the university there is a bandwidth limit of 1 Mbits/s on every ip.
So I connected the machine via LAN to an Ethernet port and bridged it to Arch; and I wrote a script to create virtual lans and acquire ip via dhcp and then load balanced them with this command:
ip route add default nexthop via dev enp0s3 \
nexthop via dev vlan1 \
nexthop via dev vlan2 \
nexthop via dev vlan3 \
nexthop via dev vlan4 \
and it worked!
Now they have closed the port.
And I want to do the same with wireless.
So I bridged Arch's lan to the host's Wi-Fi; and I ran the script again and it created the virtual lans and acquired the ips, but it didn't work! Because bridging to a wireless adapter is different from bridging to a wired one.
So I let VirtualBox take care of bridging. I added 4 paravirtuallized networks to Arch and wrote another script to load balance them, and it worked. But not for torrent!
I don't know why. When I use axel to download a direct link, it is fast, but torrent speed is below 1 kb/s. Why?
the script to load balance 4 lans:
set -e
function addlan {
ip route del default || true
dhcpcd -4 $lan
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
exit $?
gateway=`ip route | awk '/default/ {print $3}'`
ip route del default || true
netmask=`ip route | awk /$lan/' {print $1}'`
lanip=`ip route | awk /$lan/' {print $9}'`
echo "g=$gateway n=$netmask i=$lanip"
ip rule del table $table || true
ip route list table $table | while read line
ip route del $line table $table
ip rule add from $lanip table $table
ip route add $netmask dev $lan src $lanip scope link table $table
ip route add default via $gateway dev $lan table $table
hops="$hops nexthop via $gateway dev $lan"
for i in $(seq 4); do
addlan eth$((i-1)) $i
ip route add default $hops
killall dhcpcd
And I should say after that I tried bonding. I don't know if it is suitable for this task (because it will run dhcp on the bonding interface alone, not on every slave), but any help on this side will also be helpful.
Last edited by asaba90 (2015-03-06 07:44:01)
I'm not a fan of how many universities administer their networks. But the networks are theirs. By using them you have agreed to their terms, at least implicitly, but more likely explicitly in some long terms-of-service agreement you didn't read. Circumventing the caps they put in place in order to ensure they can provide service to all members of that university community may put you at risk of penalties from your university. But regardless of penalties, it is inappropriate - and asking us to help is just silly.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I appreciate your concern, but I am sure I have not agreed to any terms regarding using the network at university. And the quality of the network is also ridiculous. And they also do not allow us to use other networks at university!! which is really irritating. So I'm forced to use a bad network there.
But I do not want to explain the whole situation here. I'm just asking for the technical side. And I understand if you do not want to help.
As for the technical side, I'm really interested in knowing why torrent clients does not work well with load balancing. Because even with the ethernet the speed was much less than direct downloads and the torrent would gain speed really slowly.
But regardless of penalties, it is inappropriate - and asking us to help is just silly.
As a system and network admin, I couldn't have explained it better. The lack of replies suggests that Trilby and I aren't the only ones unwilling to assist with the technical side.
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