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Is there a daemon/package that gathers relevant data about a running server and prsents them through a web interface?
Nagios or Ganglia? Both are in the AUR.
That's what I was looking for. It seems both of them require a Web server running, I guess that's to be expected. I have none set up because I don't really need it, but I guess I will give it a shot.
What kind of stats? What does that server do?
monitorix shows some stats and has an inbuilt http server.
@karol Home NAS/Media server, running sshd, transmission, minidlna and btsync.
Last edited by joaocandre (2015-03-13 16:44:23)
If you're open to using Docker, I've got a Dockerfile to build the Open Monitoring Distribution (basically Nagios with the more user-friendly Check_mk plugin installed). I've got that running on a VPS to monitor my home server + a couple other misc services. Works great and is a bit easier to configure than plain old Nagios.
Last edited by firecat53 (2015-03-13 17:08:32)
does your server board have IPMI ?? If so, all you need to do is assign a static IP to the IPMI lan and use a browser.
Although I am not quite clear if you want server control or you want to monitor the processes that are running on it. If the latter, you can simply ssh into it and use htop or the like...
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Although I am not quite clear if you want server control or you want to monitor the processes that are running on it. If the latter, you can simply ssh into it and use htop or the like...
Thanks for the suggestions. I tinkered a bit with Nagios, I'd say both Nagios and Ganglia are way overkill for what I was looking for, Monitorix looks promisisng and Glances is quite simple and minimalistic.
There's a wiki article on monitorix, in case you want to give it a go.