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Work-in-progress since I'm still figuring out how to script the panel (I'll change the colors later). Never did any serious bash scripting before now so I'm kinda learning as I go here. Definitely a beginner's setup.
WM: bspwm
Terminal: urxvt
Panel: bar + trayer (no programs running)
Wallpaper: nitrogen (forget where I actually got the image from)
Bar script is from the example file - all I did was remove desktops, change the clock bit and add volume levels with a script from the wiki (modified slightly 'cause I use PulseAudio). Still trying to figure out how to remove the Desktop2 bit (maybe it's 'cause of the Cintiq? I have it set to mirror the monitor since it's usually off unless I'm using it).
Hey man, How did you get transparency in URXVT to work in applications too. I had it once for the shell, but I could not get it to work for ncurses applications and such while they were running.
Really loving bspwm, and finally got the hang of LemonBoy's bar...
Your bar config is awesome! Can you share scripts, please?
ephemeralCuriosities wrote:...snip...
Hey man, How did you get transparency in URXVT to work in applications too. I had it once for the shell, but I could not get it to work for ncurses applications and such while they were running.
I had to use native transparency (wiki page here), but ncurses stuff worked with true transparency as well for me so I don't know why it wouldn't work. Only program I had issues with was ranger, which won't display actual image previews if the compositor's involved.
Your bar config is awesome! Can you share scripts, please?
killall bar
~/.config/bspwm/ | bar -p -B "#FF393939" -u 3 -g $GEO -f $FONT &
WHITE="#FFE7E8E9" #white
BLACK="#FF393939" #black
GREY="#FF777777" #grey
GREEN="#FF2FAA14" #green
LIME="#FF88C425" #lime green
PURPLE1="#FF9966AA" #light
PURPLE2="#FF" #medium
PURPLE3="#FF" #dark
BLUE1="#FF4ECDC4" #light
BLUE2="#FF1CA1DB" #medium
BLUE3="#FF006db3" #dark
YELLOW="#FFEDC951" #yellow
ORANGE="#FFEB6841" #orange
RED="#FFCC333F" #red
backlight() {
more /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/actual_brightness
battery() {
BATC2=`more /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/capacity`
if [ "$BATC2" -gt "20" ]
test "`cat $BATS`" = "Charging" && echo -n "+ " || echo -n "- "
sed -n p $BATC
echo -n "%{F$RED}"
test "`cat $BATS`" = "Charging" && echo -n "+ " || echo -n "- "
sed -n p $BATC
clockday() {
date '+%A'
clocktime() {
date '+%R'
clockdate() {
date '+%e %B'
cpuload() {
USR=`mpstat -u | grep all |awk '{print $4}'`
SYS=`mpstat -u | grep all |awk '{print $6}'`
printf "%.0f\n" $(bc -l <<< "($USR + $SYS)")
desktop() {
cur=`bspc query -D -d focused`
echo $cur
desktop_state() {
cur=`bspc query -D -d focused`
state=`bspc query -T -d $cur | grep $cur | awk '{print $5}'`
if [ "$state" == "M" ]
echo "Fullscreen"
echo "Tiled"
desktop_float() {
cur=`bspc query -D -d focused`
state=`bspc query -T -d $cur | grep $cur | awk '{print $6}'`
if [ "$state" == "f" ]
echo "Floating"
echo "Fixed"
memused() {
MEMU=`free -m | grep Mem: | awk '{print $3}'`
printf "%.0f\n" $(bc -l <<< "(($MEMU / 3900) * 100)")
temperature() {
sens1=`sensors -u | grep 1_input | awk '{print $2}'`
sens2=`sensors -u | grep 2_input | awk '{print $2}'`
sens3=`sensors -u | grep 3_input | awk '{print $2}'`
printf "%.0f\n" $(bc -l <<< "(($sens1 + $sens2 + $sens3) / 3)")
volume() {
amixer get Master | sed -n 's/^.*\[\([0-9]\+\)%.*$/\1/p'| uniq
wifi_name() {
name=`iw dev | grep ssid | cut -c 8-`
ping -c 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo $name || echo "Disconnected"
wifi_speed() {
iwconfig wlp2s0 | grep Rate | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'
wifi_strength() {
raw_str=`cat /proc/net/wireless | grep wlp2s0: | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}'`
printf "%.0f\n" $(bc -l <<< "(("$raw_str" / 70)*100)")
spacer() {
echo " %{U$BLACK} "
big_spacer() {
echo "%{U$BLACK}%{F$BLACK}_______________%{F$WHITE}"
while :; do
buf=" "
buf="${buf} %{F$WHITE}%{U$RED}%{+o}%{l} Desktop $(desktop) "
buf="${buf} %{U$ORANGE} $(desktop_state) "
buf="${buf} %{U$YELLOW} $(desktop_float) "
buf="${buf} %{U$BLUE1} RAM $(memused)"
buf="${buf} %{U$BLUE2} CPU $(cpuload)"
buf="${buf} %{U$BLUE3} Temp $(temperature)"
buf="${buf} %{c}%{-o}%{F$GREY} $(clockday) %{F$WHITE}"
buf="${buf} %{+o}%{U$WHITE} $(clocktime)"
buf="${buf} %{-o}%{F$GREY} $(clockdate) %{+o}%{F$WHITE}"
buf="${buf} %{r}%{U$BLUE3} $(wifi_name)"
buf="${buf} %{U$BLUE2} $(wifi_strength) %%"
buf="${buf} %{U$BLUE1} $(wifi_speed) MB.s "
buf="${buf} %{U$YELLOW} Light $(backlight)"
buf="${buf} %{U$ORANGE} Vol $(volume)"
buf="${buf} %{U$RED} Bat $(battery) %{B-}%{F-}"
echo $buf
sleep 0.5
It'll always be a work in progress, so hack away at will if there's a better way to find the info.
Also remember to change the wifi device if it's not wlp2s0, BAT if it's not BAT1 etc...
Happy holidays!
This is mine.
I am using xmonad for my wm.
I use trayer for the tray at the top left.
Conky with conkywx is in the upper right. of the screen.
For setting the wallpaper I use a script that I have been working on for years. Just recently converted it over to use imagemagick rather than habak. I had to to that because I decided that I wanted to have a calendar on my desktop. I even wrote it to move the calendar if I decide to use the insets feature that I wrote into it, where you can put up to 4 mini pictures in the corners.
Last edited by Knute (2015-03-16 01:15:16)
Nice setup. I really like your workflow and old-desktop stylee, although your active window hilight is weird to me.
Reporting in with openbox, urxvt, tmux, etc. Here's my morning chat-review (fullscreen terminal autostarts on the first desktop):
And here's a demo of the openbox theme:
Check for the ob theme and terminal colors if you want.
Last edited by dwindle (2015-03-17 15:56:31)
Nice shell font, mind telling me what it is, also, have you ever tried a tiling wm? It seems like the natural progression. Full DE (Gnome, KDE, etc...) ---> Openbox ---> Tiling. XD just wondering though.
Nice shell font, mind telling me what it is, also, have you ever tried a tiling wm? It seems like the natural progression. Full DE (Gnome, KDE, etc...) ---> Openbox ---> Tiling. XD just wondering though.
Thanks. The font is smoothansi from the artwiz-fonts.
w/r/t wm progression mine went like this: xfce->fb->ob->wmii->dwm->vtwm->ob with a few isolated experiments in wmaker, rio, more xfwm.
I spent close to a year on a dwm setup and like a year and a half on my vtwm setup, and I've been on this ob setup for few months now. I setup enough keybindings in my floating wms and ofc there's always tmux, so I don't miss tilers.
Last edited by dwindle (2015-03-17 16:43:36)
Enlightenment DE with Extra-Dark-Green theme from here, a green Arch wallpaper I've had since forever, with Tiling module, Emacs and Weechat running in Terminology complete with fun bright colours in Weechat, and Nyancats for all!
EDIT: Added links to the full images
-- mod edit: read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
Last edited by Reded (2015-03-18 14:31:03)
"Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying "End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH", the paint wouldn't even have time to dry."
Enlightenment DE with Extra-Dark-Green theme from here, a green Arch wallpaper I've had since forever, with Tiling module, Emacs and Weechat running in Terminology complete with fun bright colours in Weechat, and Nyancats for all!
Nice to see some Terminology. Really cool software.
Snow is melting and spring is on it's way, so I opted for more spring-like colors this month. Also switched to using bar, and my status information program has been rewritten in C# (i'm more used to .NET development than C).
Last edited by komrad_toast (2015-03-19 09:38:24)
this weeks setup
Hey, what's that cool wall...?
subverted wrote:this weeks setup
Hey, what's that cool wall...?
Hey, i like it too and found it. Here is the link for 1366x768 resolution: … t-picture/
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau
Registered Linux User: #559057
Xfce 4.12
What font are you using for your GUI?
I love the colors here! Mind sharing? Do you know if there's a vim theme matching the urxvt colors?
"We may say most aptly, that the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves." - Ada Lovelace