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Hello mates, big time noob here
Just went through my very first installation of Arch Linux (woot !).
Everything went pretty swell for the most part. EXCEPT now I want to add a sudoer user. I created the user using useradd -m username -- at this point the wiki said that I should use the visudo command to edit the sudoers file or whatnot.
Though the visudo command was not found but after a little googling I found that I actually need to install sudo. No problem.
However I can't seem to install sudo. In fact I can't really seem to update or install anything - the only thing that worked was installing archlinux-keyring. It finds the packages, gives me the [Y/n] prompt, but cannot install them.
Every attempt gives me a list of errors saying "failed retrieving file X from mirrorY : could not resolve host: mirrorY"
It ends with a final error "failed to commit transaction (invalid url for server)" - these are the default US mirrors from the installation.
In my curiosity I tried to ping Google at, and surprisingly it's saying "Network is unreachable" - which strikes me as odd since it's finding the package and asking me to confirm that I want to install is before failing.
Now I'm completely stumped. Does anyone have any clue what I could be doing wrong?
Last edited by shemot (2019-03-26 10:57:30)
Welcome to the boards, shemot.
The "find the packages" and the "Y/n" operations act on your local package database, before an internet connection is attempted. archlinux-keyring was likely still in the cache as it is an essential part of the base package, and thus could be reinstalled from there rather than going over the server.
So for all intents and purposes, the cause is pretty clear. You don't seem to have an internet connection (please change the title to reflect your actual issue). What did you do to set up your connection? Remember that whatever you did on the install ISO is not going to magically carry over to your installed system.
Also instead of paraphrasing and interpreting output, please always post actual output within [ code ] tags.
Which instructions did you follow to install Arch?
Last edited by V1del (2019-03-26 09:30:22)
Well, I was going to do something similar as I did on the iso, which was use iwconfig to see me interface name (wlp2s0) and use wifi-menu to connect to my internet. However wifi-menu needed need the 'dialog' package installed to run, which gave me the same error of course. Also I didn't realize iw wouldn't be included in the main install as both iwconfig and iwlist do not work.
I don't have an ethernet cable on hand at the moment. Is the any way I could connect to my wifi at the current state of my installation or do I have to reinstall and do something different?
My apologies, I had no way to copy paste as I'm on here from a live bunsenlabs USB.
I used the arch wiki install instructions and some googling at points I was confused.
Last edited by shemot (2019-03-26 09:36:21)
If you have an internet connection in any form, posting outputs can be done using a pastebin client
You can install the missing packages for networking from a chroot and/or by using
pacman -Syu --sysroot $mount point of your actual root$ $package
from the live disk.
Last edited by V1del (2019-03-26 09:44:06)
pacman -Syu --sysroot $mount point of your actual root$ $package
Just attempted this from a live disk and for some reason it's giving me the same error though I've connected to WiFi and can successfully ping Google.
Sorry for the noob question, but just to clarify, the mount point for my root would be /mnt, right?
Nevermind, I've managed to successfully login to WiFi on my install by going to the live CD, mounting my root partition, chrooting to /mnt, then installing sudo, dialog and wpa_supplicant. I SHOULD be good for the most part but will come back if I need more help.
Thank you V1del!
Completely solved. I'm now running a true arch install in a graphical environment. Thanks again!