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Pandora client like pithos in aur.
Or pmrp (poor man radio player) simple installation in command Line player flux radio.
I don't found easily client like that for shoutcast radio list and play or live365.
And lot of broadcaster need money, this is why they purpose to subscribe for their stream site or cast site. Some Want donation. I prefer make donate for one software with a lot of music, not donate for all music I Want to listen with sub. Maybe I paid for one year of streaming website. But it's very costly for one payment.
Last edited by mito77 (2021-04-18 21:15:42)
$ uname -r
tidal-hifi web client, kudos to creator.
I just moved to Arch and I'm a bit sad that I can't play master tracks on Tidal. I got the hardware ready
Switched to mpd & upmpdcli running as a UPnP Media Renderer so I can play Qobuz via the BubbleUPnP application on my smartphone.
I'm a bit sad that I can't play master tracks on Tidal
My method should also work with Tidal providing you have a DAC that can handle MQA unfolding locally.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
recently have switched to cmus for online radio and deadbeef for on-disk music collection...
DeadBeef perfectly reproduces online radio or I don't know something?
Tried em all, and Audacious is for me.
Unpopular opinion. I am probably the only person who has a dedicated Windows VM for the exclusive purpose of running MusicBee LOL. Though I also like Clementine and can tolerate Elisa.
I am probably the only person who has a dedicated Windows VM for the exclusive purpose of running MusicBee
Now there is a kerosene powered cheese grater
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
In keeping with the original poster question:
My music collection around 3,000 tracks is stored in just one single folder for simplicity and speed. The naming convention I use for all those tracks is: Band name + Track name. That's it, no sub folders or special layout, I just scroll up and down for what I want, very fast.
In trying to keep with as simple a system setup as I can get, on my last install of Arch I decided to drop VLC altogether and look for something with a lot less dependencies. Seeing as I need FFmpeg anyhow I just use that with no other audio player or interface installed, specifically the command "ffplay -autoexit" kicks off any time I double click a track in a file manager. Works really well as a simply popup player. Still trying to figure out how to get it display track name/seek time though.
I recently wrote my own minimalist music player in a few hundred lines of Python/PyGame, centered on shuffle play and a simple (keyboard) user interface (just play/pause, skip track, and volume).
The problem with most media players is that they give me too much to do. Rather than really listening to my music, I end up organizing playlists and tagging files or even playing with equalizer settings. I really wanted a simple program to listen more passively to like a radio. It's very soothing not knowing which track comes next and having no means to skip around arbitrarily on a playlist...
Last edited by Morn (2021-08-11 19:24:39)
Lollypop, but I have recently moved to KDE and would like to use an all qt desktop, so I'm trying out Elisa, but hate that it requires me to have VLC installed.
After trying out quite a few, it seems I have a soft spot for the sleek elegance of Strawberry
cmus + … y-programs + …
Last edited by boban_dj (2021-09-29 18:35:58)
Strawberry and Exaile running on Jack2
DeaDBeeF. … 632e706e67
I cannot live without the waveform seekbar.
Mod Edit - Replaced oversized image with link.
CoC - Pasting pictures and code
Last edited by Slithery (2021-11-19 23:50:24)
I say: "$GIRLFRIEND, how about some music? Some {electronic,metal,animesoundtrack,random} playlist, perhaps?"... and - POOF! - music.
I have actually amassed a rather large iTunes library of music over the years, and that’s what I continue to use when purchasing music (I stream as well but am a fan of purchasing content if I like the artist and truly want to support them).
What I do is launch Windows 10 in VMWare to interact with iTunes. I have my music directory symlinked in W10 to a directory that I share from my Arch host, so that all my iTunes music is also available in linux. I then use mpd to catalog the music and make it available. From there, I use ncmpcpp for most of my playback, but also have cantata.
I preferrably play local music files (mostly flac/mp3) via mpd + ncmpcpp. I have good audio equipment so I prefer higher resolution flacs when available. And I always like having my own DRM-free music collection, and playing it privately.
I've got one big music directory and it's organized decently, like "audio/artists/artistname/yyyy albumname/## trackname"
My ncmpcpp looks like this:
Last edited by m6x (2021-11-23 12:20:13)
int pi = 3;
I stream MPD 24/7 via an olde rpi model B 512 RAM, using mpc, ncmpcpp, as the power draw is minimal i can just about afford the electricity. ?
local my goto is Open Cubic Player AUR
here is a scrot showing ocp-curses
i find it to be very functional, and pretty at the same time. will play many formats including .mp3, .flac and compressed archives.
(newer builds also show album art in the X11 player)
Last edited by cirrus (2021-11-23 18:45:31)
Ancestoral Clan
Handles large Libraries very well and has nice features as tagging oder smart playlists included.
Wezterm as a scratchpad running newsboat on tab1 and MOC(P) on tab2.
I think I gotto try this one.
The best player I've ever found? Sorry, this was not the question.
It was Foobar on Windows.
Trying to play instruments, playing along comes handy. Loving music, a good player is nice.
Foobar has options that will go waaaaay beyond what a lot players can do for you.
Equalizer: check
Tempo: check
Pitch: check
Playlist: check
Loop (selection): check
Who needs a good music player nowadays? Push a button on Spotify or YouTube and there you go.
Perhaps it's because of this Linux players are a big step back from Windows music players (I think). Sorry to say.
I love how you can get software for everyting you want on Linux, I hope to contribute someday in someway. But a good music player. Sorry the best one is not on a Linux OS.
-Rhythmbox: There is a plugin for an equalizer (o no, there isn't, that was 13 years ago) today plugins are programmed with Python
-Clementine: Is this the most popular Linux player? I don't know. Hitting the space bar for stopping more then ones, causes the player to hang (player stays in pause). Not only on Arch, also on Ubuntu.
Today I downloaded Audacious. It's really looking great. I am regretting not downloading this earlier. But I did not really use it more then a few minutes. Comming days I will be hitting play and pause a lot so I will give you an update.
Flemur wrote:foobar2000
I think I gotto try this one.
The best player I've ever found? Sorry, this was not the question.
It was Foobar on Windows.Trying to play instruments, playing along comes handy. Loving music, a good player is nice.
Foobar has options that will go waaaaay beyond what a lot players can do for you.
Equalizer: check
Tempo: check
Pitch: check
Playlist: check
Loop (selection): checkWho needs a good music player nowadays? Push a button on Spotify or YouTube and there you go.
Perhaps it's because of this Linux players are a big step back from Windows music players (I think). Sorry to say.
I love how you can get software for everyting you want on Linux, I hope to contribute someday in someway. But a good music player. Sorry the best one is not on a Linux OS.-Rhythmbox: There is a plugin for an equalizer (o no, there isn't, that was 13 years ago) today plugins are programmed with Python
-Clementine: Is this the most popular Linux player? I don't know. Hitting the space bar for stopping more then ones, causes the player to hang (player stays in pause). Not only on Arch, also on Ubuntu.Today I downloaded Audacious. It's really looking great. I am regretting not downloading this earlier. But I did not really use it more then a few minutes. Comming days I will be hitting play and pause a lot so I will give you an update.
Clementine is a good player, it doesn't really lack anything compared to best Windows based players, plus it's FOSS. But, you didn't name one of the best players = "Quod Libet", try it, I don't think you will regret it, for me, it is the best player.