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Hello, I am trying to install Arch for the first time, but I am having issues. I am installing it on an Asus C200M chromebook, it has a Intel Bay Trail-M dual-core N2830 CPU, 2GB RAM, and about 16GB internal storage eMMC. I think the issue may be with how I partitioned it, but I'm not sure. I tried following the installation guide's example memory layouts, first for BIOS/GPT, and then BIOS/MBR, except I used 10GB for the root directory and the rest for the /home directory on separate partitions. When I tried with GPT, I set the first partition, /dev/mmcblk1p1, to type BIOS boot. I tried flagging it as bootable, but I didn't see anything change. When I tried with MBR, I first had SWAP as the first partition, root as the second, and /home as the third. I tried flagging the root partition as bootable, but again saw no change. I then changed it so the first partition was 30KiB of type "MBR partition scheme", the second partition as root, the third partition as /home, and the fourth partition as swap. I tried flagging the first partition as bootable but saw no change. Both times when I tried installing GRUB with MBR partition schemes, in the output I saw that it read the partition scheme as GPT and it couldn't find a bootable partition.
Please post the actual commands you tried and verbatim output rather than vague (and very confusing) descriptions. See also
This will show us the disposition of your drive & partitions:
# parted --list
^ Run that from any live ISO. If you only have the Arch ISO see … ted_client for a way to share the output from there.
I have no experience with Chromebooks but I would recommend an MS-DOS ("MBR" type) partition table for non-UEFI systems and a GUID partition table for UEFI systems. I presume the Chromebook uses UEFI by default so I would prefer that.
And please try to break up your post a little more. Condensed blocks of text can be quite hard to follow. Well, they are for me anyway
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
have you read this:
not a simple install it would seem, looks like you need to flash a custom firmware