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solved..rebuilt everything
❯ opensnitch-ui
Loading translations: /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/opensnitch/i18n locale: en_US
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.15.2) with this library (5.15.3)
[1] 166367 IOT instruction (core dumped) opensnitch-ui
opensnitch-git 1.5.0.r17.a2f237a-1
Arch Linux 5.15.26-hardened1-1-hardened-git-r1049098 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri, 04 Mar 2022 02:53:28 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Gnome on wayland
See: … 781.0.html … 15-3/71426 … brary-5153
Last edited by afader (2022-03-07 17:30:43)
This nearly always means you have some Qt library installed from the AUR or elsewhere. Styles are a common cause. Whatever it is, it needs rebuit.
Last edited by Scimmia (2022-03-07 16:41:16)
I've tried various things like
yay -Si opensnitch-git | awk -F ": " -v filter="^Depends" \ '$0 ~ filter {gsub(/[>=<][^ ]*/,"",$2) ; gsub(/ +/,"\n",$2) ; print $2}' | yay -S --asdeps -
Rebuilding everything but can't seem to get this message to disappear
For me, I had to reinstall qt5-styleplugins (after deleting it from my paru cache so it would rebuild from scratch). YMMV.
Last edited by frabjous (2022-03-07 17:26:58)
It has nothing to do with opensnitch. Look at all of your AUR packages.
OK, you're right, that fixed it, thanks!
$ falkon
Fatal: Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.15.2) with this library (5.15.3)
Aborted (core dumped)
For me, I had to reinstall qt5-styleplugins (after deleting it from my paru cache so it would rebuild from scratch). YMMV.
Thank you. That solved my problem.
This nearly always means you have some Qt library installed from the AUR or elsewhere. Styles are a common cause. Whatever it is, it needs rebuit.
May you please provide a command which can list packages from AUR starting with "qt"?
May you please provide a command which can list packages from AUR starting with "qt"?
pacman -Qqm | grep ^qt
I think it's worthy to make this Sticky
It already is...
(Note that this only updates packages in repositories. You should also ensure foreign packages from the AUR and other locations are also updated. Similarly, if you have replaced an official package with an unsupported variant, try to reproduce the problem with the official package before creating a topic.)
Ha, true. TBH, I don't know why I didn't remember that there was such a thing as qt5-styleplugins, probably because I use mostly Gnome and a lot of Gtk apps or whatever they are, so I guess Opensnitch-Ui needing qt5-styleplugins to be rebuilt didn't occur to me because I forgot that I had installed the package to make qt5ct use the gtk3 theme or whatever... a pretty random implementation detail. If pressed I would probably have recalled about qt5ct and having to set an env var but not that it was a separate AUR package since i don't use plasma or KDE.
How would we fix that? I don't know, I have rebuild-detector installed but it didn't do anything in this case, although it does tell me when firefox-nightly or obs-studio-git need to be rebuilt. I guess this incompatible qt error message could maybe tell me it was coming from qt5styleplugins or whichever qt program that package installs. Either way, yeah it's kind of user error but it's also a flaw in the usability of implementation of qt packages.
Hi guys,
even this is solved I would like to hang myself on that topic as I have the same error message without a AUR package in use. For me same error message appears for xca which is in community repo. Could that anyhow be related? The filed bug was closed due to belief in incompatible qt style. See
Are you sure you don't have another qt style?
pacman -Qm | grep ^qt5
which qt theme are you using?
Hi guys,
even this is solved I would like to hang myself on that topic as I have the same error message without a AUR package in use. For me same error message appears for xca which is in community repo. Could that anyhow be related? The filed bug was closed due to belief in incompatible qt style. See
Get a backtrace, that should tell you what's being loaded.
pacman -Qm | grep ^qt5
return nothing. Empty response what is expected as I checked the AUR packages. qt theme is Breeze. Consequent set in all options in KDE.
Regarding backtrace: Do I understand … ing_traces right that I either need to rebuild full qt packages or install debug packages from a different mirror?
No, we don't need symbols, only what libs are being loaded.
For me, I had to reinstall qt5-styleplugins (after deleting it from my paru cache so it would rebuild from scratch). YMMV.
I had a similar problem:
Cleanbuilding qt5-styleplugins also worked for me, like frabjous already posted. I haven't tried it the following way (but without --rebuild, see linked thread), but in the comments in AUR it is described this way:
yay -S --rebuild qt5-styleplugins
Thanks for posting this!
qt5-styleplugins isn't even installed, so rebuilding can not be a solution. I generated a easy backtrace via gdb and also queried the shared libraries:
[user@system ~]$ gdb xca
Reading symbols from xca...
(No debugging symbols found in xca)
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/xca
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/".
[New Thread 0x7ffff3022640 (LWP 13390)]
[New Thread 0x7fffebfff640 (LWP 13391)]
003 Warning: QSqlDatabase: QTDS driver not loaded
003 Warning: QSqlDatabase: QTDS7 driver not loaded
003 Fatal: Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.15.2) with this library (5.15.3)
Thread 1 "xca" received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x00007ffff65ef34c in __pthread_kill_implementation () from /usr/lib/
(gdb) backtrace
#0 0x00007ffff65ef34c in __pthread_kill_implementation () from /usr/lib/
#1 0x00007ffff65a24b8 in raise () from /usr/lib/
#2 0x00007ffff658c534 in abort () from /usr/lib/
#3 0x00007ffff6a58ee4 in QMessageLogger::fatal(char const*, ...) const () from /usr/lib/
#4 0x00007ffff6a76c55 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#5 0x00007fffe9f8d8a0 in ?? () from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
#6 0x00007fffe9f8bc29 in ?? () from /usr/lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
#7 0x00007ffff6ef6310 in QSqlDatabase::QSqlDatabase(QString const&) () from /usr/lib/
#8 0x00007ffff6ef7097 in QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(QString const&, QString const&) () from /usr/lib/
#9 0x00005555555bffd0 in ?? ()
#10 0x00007ffff658d310 in __libc_start_call_main () from /usr/lib/
#11 0x00007ffff658d3c1 in __libc_start_main_impl () from /usr/lib/
#12 0x00005555555c4995 in ?? ()
(gdb) info sharedlibrary
From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
0x00007ffff7fc8000 0x00007ffff7fee535 Yes (*) /lib64/
0x00007ffff7d26000 0x00007ffff7ecb290 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff7c5c020 0x00007ffff7c959bf Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff76e9020 0x00007ffff7aae7b5 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff7013020 0x00007ffff746e2d3 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff6eef020 0x00007ffff6f0e3e2 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff6a58020 0x00007ffff6d20a2f Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff682a020 0x00007ffff69320e3 Yes /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff6787020 0x00007ffff678b39d Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff676d020 0x00007ffff677e455 Yes /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff658c440 0x00007ffff670069d Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff655c020 0x00007ffff655c0f5 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff6557020 0x00007ffff65570f5 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff647c020 0x00007ffff64f5e18 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff6428020 0x00007ffff642aa1d Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff63b5020 0x00007ffff63d88da Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff6398020 0x00007ffff63a519c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff62b1020 0x00007ffff6359d23 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff6292020 0x00007ffff629f82a Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff61c8020 0x00007ffff624bcd1 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff619f020 0x00007ffff61a9e68 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff5f63020 0x00007ffff60f9f86 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff5ce2020 0x00007ffff5dd3348 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff5bf0020 0x00007ffff5c4f7b9 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff5b43040 0x00007ffff5bda3b2 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff5a1c020 0x00007ffff5aad1b3 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff5988020 0x00007ffff5989f57 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff5917020 0x00007ffff5930aa1 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff5857020 0x00007ffff58d5e2c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff5827020 0x00007ffff5840462 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff57fc020 0x00007ffff58132d3 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff57d9020 0x00007ffff57f3c97 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff57cd020 0x00007ffff57d17bb Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff569d040 0x00007ffff577df88 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff39fb020 0x00007ffff3a50ce2 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff38d3020 0x00007ffff395c77e Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff38a6020 0x00007ffff38b2452 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3897020 0x00007ffff389e432 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3874050 0x00007ffff38894f2 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff384f020 0x00007ffff3861b86 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3821020 0x00007ffff3821b5e Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff381c040 0x00007ffff381cd52 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3815020 0x00007ffff3816882 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff7fbc020 0x00007ffff7fbc3ca Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforms/
0x00007ffff32b5020 0x00007ffff334c091 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3238020 0x00007ffff326401e Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff31c6020 0x00007ffff3214f72 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff7fb6020 0x00007ffff7fb610b Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff7fb1020 0x00007ffff7fb1f1a Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff7faa020 0x00007ffff7fab6e5 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff7fa5020 0x00007ffff7fa5b44 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff7fa0020 0x00007ffff7fa086e Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff31a5020 0x00007ffff31a9c41 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff7f9b020 0x00007ffff7f9be58 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3194020 0x00007ffff3198b7f Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff7f95020 0x00007ffff7f95c06 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3187020 0x00007ffff31891b2 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff317d020 0x00007ffff317f6cc Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3176020 0x00007ffff3176726 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3162020 0x00007ffff316dda6 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3141020 0x00007ffff314cd87 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff312a020 0x00007ffff312df86 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3110020 0x00007ffff311d7ea Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3104020 0x00007ffff31069dc Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff30bd020 0x00007ffff30db2eb Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff308b020 0x00007ffff30a9357 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3042020 0x00007ffff307056a Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff302f020 0x00007ffff302fddd Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff3025020 0x00007ffff302883e Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff2819020 0x00007ffff281dc3e Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff280b020 0x00007ffff28113a3 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff2802020 0x00007ffff28045e6 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff27b8020 0x00007ffff27e9305 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platformthemes/
0x00007ffff26f5020 0x00007ffff2768fcb Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff25d4020 0x00007ffff2678661 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff253f020 0x00007ffff256511d Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff2496020 0x00007ffff24ead89 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff2421020 0x00007ffff2432688 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff22f6020 0x00007ffff23bdd44 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff2290020 0x00007ffff22a43cd Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff225c020 0x00007ffff227584b Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff21b6020 0x00007ffff2219cc1 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff2153020 0x00007ffff21715f7 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff20f9020 0x00007ffff21240b6 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff20be020 0x00007ffff20cc25c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff206d020 0x00007ffff209fb78 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1f7f020 0x00007ffff201995f Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1ecc020 0x00007ffff1efcd43 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1e7a020 0x00007ffff1ea0575 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1e5e020 0x00007ffff1e5f43d Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1dd7020 0x00007ffff1e3327c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1d8a020 0x00007ffff1da6eda Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1cdc020 0x00007ffff1d3af84 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1c8f020 0x00007ffff1ca8006 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1b49020 0x00007ffff1c28101 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1ae8020 0x00007ffff1afa17a Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1aaa020 0x00007ffff1abcbe8 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1a6d020 0x00007ffff1a90fbd Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1a32020 0x00007ffff1a4d91c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff19b6020 0x00007ffff1a05c0c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff198c020 0x00007ffff199591a Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff197f020 0x00007ffff19832fc Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1974020 0x00007ffff1976a1c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1949020 0x00007ffff19645d1 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1935020 0x00007ffff193a570 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff1511020 0x00007ffff17edf1b Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff108c020 0x00007ffff130b8cb Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0ed1020 0x00007ffff0f7c798 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0e3e020 0x00007ffff0e41a36 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0e29020 0x00007ffff0e3207a Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0e1a020 0x00007ffff0e1dc36 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0ddf050 0x00007ffff0e086f2 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0dbd020 0x00007ffff0dcbb79 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0d69020 0x00007ffff0d98b9c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0d04020 0x00007ffff0d34b3c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0cbe020 0x00007ffff0cde9c5 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0c8a020 0x00007ffff0ca3e51 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0c63020 0x00007ffff0c7966d Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0c49020 0x00007ffff0c530c8 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0bfd020 0x00007ffff0c347d9 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0b7c020 0x00007ffff0bc8257 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0a79020 0x00007ffff0b14cdb Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0a00020 0x00007ffff0a0bcba Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff09ee020 0x00007ffff09f2650 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff09d7020 0x00007ffff09e384f Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff09c2020 0x00007ffff09cc33e Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff09ad020 0x00007ffff09b8319 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff09a0040 0x00007ffff09a5636 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0938020 0x00007ffff0981963 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff08ed050 0x00007ffff090c1b2 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff08e1020 0x00007ffff08e1227 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0725040 0x00007ffff084edfd Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff06de020 0x00007ffff06e99ef Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff06d0020 0x00007ffff06d5577 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff060a020 0x00007ffff0673106 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff05bb020 0x00007ffff05d6e97 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff05b2020 0x00007ffff05b2bf9 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff05a4020 0x00007ffff05aaf5c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff059b020 0x00007ffff059c123 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0589020 0x00007ffff05911da Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff057d020 0x00007ffff057ed9f Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0551020 0x00007ffff05677e8 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0544020 0x00007ffff05463be Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0438050 0x00007ffff04d6630 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff03ef020 0x00007ffff03f2f80 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff027c020 0x00007ffff02b0e79 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0230020 0x00007ffff0250fa8 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff01e4020 0x00007ffff01f60fd Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff014c080 0x00007ffff01bfaf1 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff33dc020 0x00007ffff33dce75 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforminputcontexts/
0x00007ffff00cc020 0x00007ffff011c9c8 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/styles/
0x00007ffff33cc020 0x00007ffff33cdc49 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff33c2020 0x00007ffff33c4df6 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff33b6020 0x00007ffff33b93da Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007ffff009a020 0x00007ffff009e6b4 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007ffff0091020 0x00007ffff00932fa Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007ffff0087020 0x00007ffff00899f7 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007fffeb7a7040 0x00007fffeb7ebe52 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffeb720020 0x00007fffeb768400 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff007b020 0x00007ffff007f7fa Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007ffff0072020 0x00007ffff0073179 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007fffeb6c1020 0x00007fffeb70579c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffeb64f020 0x00007fffeb68c14b Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff006a020 0x00007ffff006b575 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007fffeb341b40 0x00007fffeb4a4390 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0062020 0x00007ffff006327f Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007ffff005a020 0x00007ffff005b22a Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007ffff0050020 0x00007ffff005390a Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007fffeb290140 0x00007fffeb2e00cf Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007ffff0049020 0x00007ffff0049efa Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007ffff0042020 0x00007ffff0043d68 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/imageformats/
0x00007ffff0006020 0x00007ffff000c049 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffeb281020 0x00007fffeb282eb5 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffeb215020 0x00007fffeb269e0b Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffea522020 0x00007fffea52f559 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
0x00007fffea20f0a0 0x00007fffea419630 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffea1b9020 0x00007fffea1c5d68 Yes (*) /lib/
0x00007fffea50d020 0x00007fffea515d60 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
0x00007fffea03d020 0x00007fffea1234e6 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffea4fa020 0x00007fffea5010ca Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
0x00007fffea187020 0x00007fffea18f9fa Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
0x00007fffe9fb2020 0x00007fffe9fd5824 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffea004020 0x00007fffea01209a Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
0x00007fffe9f02020 0x00007fffe9f4e602 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffea16f020 0x00007fffea179052 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
0x00007fffe9eb5020 0x00007fffe9ed65fc Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffe9e5a020 0x00007fffe9e9356f Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffe9ff0020 0x00007fffe9ff7126 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffe9e30020 0x00007fffe9e40db7 Yes (*) /usr/lib/
0x00007fffe9f8b020 0x00007fffe9f953c4 Yes (*) /usr/lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/
0x00007fffe9d1e020 0x00007fffe9dd0c5c Yes (*) /usr/lib/
Based on that, I would look at /usr/lib/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/, which is from kmymoney. If you uninstall that, does xca work again? Alternatively, you could rebuild the kmymoney package and see if that works instead of removing it.
Edit: also make sure you're using the kmymoney package from Community, not a git package from the AUR or a self-built one. I suspect the package is actually bad, but just to make sure.
Last edited by Scimmia (2022-03-14 00:14:20)
Indeed, uninstalling kmymoney is fixing the problem. Was anyhow not in use for longer. Thanks for the help.
BTW is this a bug to report for the kmymoney package?
Yes, it is. I'll ping arojas to let him know not to close it.
Bug ticket opened at