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#126 2023-12-29 10:58:48

Registered: 2023-12-28
Posts: 4

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

df8oe wrote:

One additional bug at my system: I cannot add applications to favorites. Right click on the menue item has no member "add to favorites". Is that only at my system?

Works for me, but I'm using the dashboard, could be that.

Although note that it's actually "show in favorites" and then you can select which activities it should appear on.


#127 2023-12-29 12:32:46

Registered: 2014-09-20
Posts: 32

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

df8oe wrote:

One additional bug at my system: I cannot add applications to favorites. Right click on the menue item has no member "add to favorites". Is that only at my system?

Same here. Seems a regression in Beta 2.


#128 2023-12-29 12:44:30

From: Northern Germany
Registered: 2023-12-21
Posts: 34

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

@Berniyh: does not work for me in dashboard, too. No "shown in favorites", "add to favorites" e.g.


#129 2023-12-29 18:06:32

Registered: 2023-12-28
Posts: 4

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

df8oe wrote:

@Berniyh: does not work for me in dashboard, too. No "shown in favorites", "add to favorites" e.g.

Sorry, my mistake. I actually checked on the wrong computer that still ran Plasma 5. *facepalm*
Can confirm it's missing on Plasma 6.


#130 2023-12-29 18:20:27

Registered: 2020-01-10
Posts: 433

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

I can't reproduce the bug with "Add to favorites" on neon unstable running Plasma 6 beta 2 and Qt 6.6.1. Possibly it's another Qt 6.7 beta bug.


#131 2023-12-30 15:59:54

From: Northern Germany
Registered: 2023-12-21
Posts: 34

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

It can be a rendering issue - as it exists in systemsettings modules. Hopefully waiting for a qt6.7 update...


#132 2023-12-30 19:20:04

Registered: 2014-01-23
Posts: 23

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

Strangiato wrote:

I can't reproduce the bug with "Add to favorites" on neon unstable running Plasma 6 beta 2 and Qt 6.6.1. Possibly it's another Qt 6.7 beta bug.

Looks like it is:

Btw I also can't reproduce with Qt 6.6.1 and a compiled Plasma 6 session.


#133 2023-12-31 00:46:15

From: North of the arctic circle
Registered: 2021-10-29
Posts: 21

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

I'm having a hard time figuring out an issue that's popped up recently, where audio (using PipeWire) sounds slightly distorted over my AMD GPU's DisplayPort connection.. Almost as if it's bitcrushed, but not heavily so.
It's very noticeable when KDE system sounds play, or when I'm playing Pinball FX (voices in the Medieval Madness table sound just a bit strange)

Have tried rolling back to PipeWire 1.0.0-1 / Wireplumber 0.4.16 to no avail.
Can't really say how long this issue has been here, maybe the past week or so, tops. It's just really bugging me now.

On my USB mixer with the speakers or headphones connected to it, sound is fine.

I'm wondering if it can somehow be a KDE issue. Don't know how, though, which is what I'd like to know I suppose, but that's why I'm asking in this thread.
Anyone else get this on a PipeWire/Wireplumber/KDE AMD GPU digital audio setup?

Edit: Seems it also happens on KDE Neon Unstable (Beta 1), so weird =S

Last edited by ridge (2023-12-31 03:55:27)


#134 2023-12-31 08:17:11

Registered: 2021-07-06
Posts: 19

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

ridge wrote:

I'm having a hard time figuring out an issue that's popped up recently, where audio (using PipeWire) sounds slightly distorted over my AMD GPU's DisplayPort connection.. Almost as if it's bitcrushed, but not heavily so.
It's very noticeable when KDE system sounds play, or when I'm playing Pinball FX (voices in the Medieval Madness table sound just a bit strange)

Have tried rolling back to PipeWire 1.0.0-1 / Wireplumber 0.4.16 to no avail.
Can't really say how long this issue has been here, maybe the past week or so, tops. It's just really bugging me now.

On my USB mixer with the speakers or headphones connected to it, sound is fine.

I'm wondering if it can somehow be a KDE issue. Don't know how, though, which is what I'd like to know I suppose, but that's why I'm asking in this thread.
Anyone else get this on a PipeWire/Wireplumber/KDE AMD GPU digital audio setup?

Edit: Seems it also happens on KDE Neon Unstable (Beta 1), so weird =S

Not getting it here with DisplayPort over a 6500XT with pipewire. Try it again but with pipewire-media-session instead of wireplumber.


#135 2023-12-31 13:50:22

From: North of the arctic circle
Registered: 2021-10-29
Posts: 21

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

Thank you CMDR, appreciate that you confirm it's a me issue. Unfortunately no dice with media-session, only thing I haven't tried just yet is KDE 5 or [shudder] PulseAudio...

Edit: Weirder still, sound played through DeaDBeeF (using its native PipeWire output plugin) is completely fine, no defects.

Edit 2: Also happens on a Fedora KDE live image when it's upgraded to PipeWire 1.0.0 but not in its default state (packages come with 0.3.80).. Downgraded my system to the same PipeWire version the Fedora live image came with (0.3.80) but the issue remains.
I'm seriously stumped now, but I'll look elsewhere as I suppose it's not KDE 6 related at this point.

Last edited by ridge (2023-12-31 16:42:52)


#136 2024-01-07 10:40:50

From: Northern Germany
Registered: 2023-12-21
Posts: 34

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

Since an upgrade yesterday my KDE is broken. After login it starts, I can see for 1 or 2 seconds the dektop with some started applications, and then it crashes (before taskbar appears) throwing me back to the login screen. This happens with many started applications at login also as with y clean new account. I have fixed it by downgrading to 2024/01/05. But it would be better to know the cause. There are a bunch of qt5 packages in the upgade and dbus packages. Anyone can confirm this?


#137 2024-01-07 10:54:22

From: Spain
Registered: 2011-10-09
Posts: 2,173

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

df8oe wrote:

But it would be better to know the cause.

Then you'll have to post actual logs and errors.


#138 2024-01-07 11:05:17

Registered: 2021-03-31
Posts: 18

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

df8oe wrote:

Since an upgrade yesterday my KDE is broken. After login it starts, I can see for 1 or 2 seconds the dektop with some started applications, and then it crashes (before taskbar appears) throwing me back to the login screen. This happens with many started applications at login also as with y clean new account. I have fixed it by downgrading to 2024/01/05. But it would be better to know the cause. There are a bunch of qt5 packages in the upgade and dbus packages. Anyone can confirm this?

Nothing obvious for me after I just upgraded. You may want to list your started applications, and grep your pacman log for yesterday, to see if something looks unusual. I use:

grep "2024-01-06" /var/log/pacman.log > pacman.log.2024-01-06

And if it is short, just post it here in a code block, and if it is long, link to it.


#139 2024-01-07 12:47:33

From: Northern Germany
Registered: 2023-12-21
Posts: 34

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

I have identified it - and it seems not related to kde6. There was an update for systemd and for dbus (both from "core-testing"). The update of dbus has a new dependency: "dbus-units" which can be provided by dbus-broker-units (default) and dbus-daemon-units. If I choose default (dbus-broker-units) kde crashes, if I choose dbus-daemon-units everything is running fine.


#140 2024-01-07 13:11:01

Registered: 2021-03-31
Posts: 18

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

Is NeoChat segfaulting for anybody else? I opened


#141 2024-01-07 13:16:45

From: Northern Germany
Registered: 2023-12-21
Posts: 34

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

it is running here without segfault (kde-unstable/neochat 24.01.85-1)


#142 2024-01-07 14:53:07

Registered: 2009-10-08
Posts: 189

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

Is anybody else seeing a huge amount of QML issues that seem to originate from Kirigami? I attempted to set up an account using KMail's Account Wizard. The wizard is rendered quite wrong and I was unable to add any of my accounts to KMail with it. I wonder if there are some parts of the form that are missing due to rendering issues.

One of the complaints I see in the log is in `Separator.qml` about `Separator.Weight` being undefined. I can work around this by prefixing all relevant statements with `Kirigami`. While this takes care of this immediate problem, the rendering then its another obstacle with a much worse error trace

led 07 15:33:34 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: qt.qml.typeresolution.cycle: Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/GlobalSonnetSettings.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileTextActionsToolBar.qml"
led 07 15:33:34 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: qt.qml.typeresolution.cycle: Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/GlobalSonnetSettings.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml"
led 07 15:33:34 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: qt.qml.typeresolution.cycle: Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileTextActionsToolBar.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml"
led 07 15:33:34 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: KQuickPadding is both anonymous and named
led 07 15:33:34 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: qt.qml.typeresolution.cycle: Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/GlobalSonnetSettings.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/MenuItem.qml"
led 07 15:33:34 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: qt.qml.typeresolution.cycle: Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileTextActionsToolBar.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/MenuItem.qml"
led 07 15:33:34 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: qt.qml.typeresolution.cycle: Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/MenuItem.qml"
led 07 15:33:34 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: qt.qml.typeresolution.cycle: Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/GlobalSonnetSettings.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/CheckIndicator.qml"
led 07 15:33:34 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: qt.qml.typeresolution.cycle: Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/MobileTextActionsToolBar.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/CheckIndicator.qml"
led 07 15:33:34 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: qt.qml.typeresolution.cycle: Cyclic dependency detected between "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/TextFieldContextMenu.qml" and "qrc:/qt/qml/org/kde/desktop/private/CheckIndicator.qml"
led 07 15:33:35 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: file:///usr/lib/qt6/qml/org/kde/kirigami/Heading.qml:99: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Secondary' of undefined
led 07 15:33:35 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: file:///usr/lib/qt6/qml/org/kde/kirigami/Heading.qml:97: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Primary' of undefined
led 07 15:33:35 The-Raza accountwizard[42143]: file:///usr/lib/qt6/qml/org/kde/kirigami/Heading.qml:75: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Normal' of undefined

I can reproduce very similar error traces with other Kirigami-based applications, including systemsettings. I haven't used QML very much but the bits of code the errors point to seem correct to me. Is this another Qt 6.7 issue and if so, do you know if it's being tracked?


#143 2024-01-07 16:12:21

Registered: 2020-01-10
Posts: 433

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

df8oe wrote:

I have identified it - and it seems not related to kde6. There was an update for systemd and for dbus (both from "core-testing"). The update of dbus has a new dependency: "dbus-units" which can be provided by dbus-broker-units (default) and dbus-daemon-units. If I choose default (dbus-broker-units) kde crashes, if I choose dbus-daemon-units everything is running fine.

Yesterday I installed the default dbus-broker-units on my system running Plasma 6 beta 2, and today the sound icon in the system tray did not detect any sound device. Plasma did not crash though. The sound device was detected again after installing dbus-daemon-units and then rebooting.


#144 2024-01-07 17:38:41

Registered: 2009-10-08
Posts: 189

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

Strangiato wrote:
df8oe wrote:

I have identified it - and it seems not related to kde6. There was an update for systemd and for dbus (both from "core-testing"). The update of dbus has a new dependency: "dbus-units" which can be provided by dbus-broker-units (default) and dbus-daemon-units. If I choose default (dbus-broker-units) kde crashes, if I choose dbus-daemon-units everything is running fine.

Yesterday I installed the default dbus-broker-units on my system running Plasma 6 beta 2, and today the sound icon in the system tray did not detect any sound device. Plasma did not crash though. The sound device was detected again after installing dbus-daemon-units and then rebooting.

I have switched to dbus-broker manually quite some time ago and have not had any issues, at least as far as I could tell. I enabled core-testing and extra-testing and repos and ran an update. So far, things seem to be working fine. Those who are having issues with the latest update, it might be worth checking that dbus-broker services are actually running and you are not in some kind of a mix between both D-Bus implementations?

Here are some possibly relevant diag outputs:

madcat@The-Raza ~> systemctl | grep dbus
  dbus-broker.service                                                                         loaded active running   D-Bus System Message Bus
  system-dbus\x2d:1.3\x2dorg.kde.powerdevil.backlighthelper.slice                             loaded active active    Slice /system/dbus-:1.3-org.kde.powerdevil.backlighthelper
  system-dbus\x2d:1.3\x2dorg.kde.powerdevil.chargethresholdhelper.slice                       loaded active active    Slice /system/dbus-:1.3-org.kde.powerdevil.chargethresholdhelper
  system-dbus\x2d:1.3\x2dorg.kde.powerdevil.discretegpuhelper.slice                           loaded active active    Slice /system/dbus-:1.3-org.kde.powerdevil.discretegpuhelper
  dbus.socket                                                                                 loaded active running   D-Bus System Message Bus Socket

madcat@The-Raza ~> systemctl --user | grep dbus
  at-spi-dbus-bus.service                                                                     loaded active running   Accessibility services bus
  dbus-:1.2-org.gnome.Identity@0.service                                                      loaded active running   dbus-:1.2-org.gnome.Identity@0.service
  dbus-:1.2-org.gnome.OnlineAccounts@0.service                                                loaded active running   dbus-:1.2-org.gnome.OnlineAccounts@0.service
  dbus-:1.44-org.a11y.atspi.Registry@0.service                                                loaded active running   dbus-:1.44-org.a11y.atspi.Registry@0.service
  dbus-broker.service                                                                         loaded active running   D-Bus User Message Bus
  plasma-gmenudbusmenuproxy.service                                                           loaded active running   Proxies GTK DBus menus to a Plasma readable format
  app-dbus\x2d:1.2\x2dorg.gnome.Identity.slice                                                loaded active active    Slice /app/dbus-:1.2-org.gnome.Identity
  app-dbus\x2d:1.2\x2dorg.gnome.OnlineAccounts.slice                                          loaded active active    Slice /app/dbus-:1.2-org.gnome.OnlineAccounts
  app-dbus\x2d:1.2\x2dorg.kde.KSplash.slice                                                   loaded active active    Slice /app/dbus-:1.2-org.kde.KSplash
  app-dbus\x2d:1.44\x2dorg.a11y.atspi.Registry.slice                                          loaded active active    Slice /app/dbus-:1.44-org.a11y.atspi.Registry
  dbus.socket                                                                                 loaded active running   D-Bus User Message Bus Socket

madcat@The-Raza ~> ps -aux | grep -i dbus
dbus         656  0.0  0.0  10796  5280 ?        Ss   18:28   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-broker-launch --scope system --audit
dbus         657  0.0  0.0   7304  5208 ?        S    18:28   0:00 dbus-broker --log 4 --controller 9 --machine-id e926cff4a18c4f64bca69cf69a80b19a --max-bytes 536870912 --max-fds 4096 --max-matches 131072 --audit
root         664  0.0  0.0 203708 11836 ?        Ssl  18:28   0:00 /usr/bin/thermald --systemd --dbus-enable --adaptive
cups         783  0.0  0.0  16560  6140 ?        S    18:28   0:00 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
root         907  0.0  0.1  80740 22716 ?        S    18:28   0:00 /usr/lib/sddm/sddm-helper --socket /tmp/sddm-auth-7e40f8ac-5cc7-42c4-8229-ad2c625c08ad --id 1 --start /usr/lib/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland --user madcat
madcat       942  0.0  0.0   8984  3484 ?        Ss   18:28   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-broker-launch --scope user
madcat       951  0.1  0.0   6640  4592 ?        S    18:28   0:00 dbus-broker --log 4 --controller 10 --machine-id e926cff4a18c4f64bca69cf69a80b19a --max-bytes 100000000000000 --max-fds 25000000000000 --max-matches 5000000000
madcat      1125  0.0  0.1 228820 26580 ?        Ssl  18:28   0:00 /usr/bin/gmenudbusmenuproxy
madcat      1333  0.0  0.0   8852  3608 ?        S    18:28   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-broker-launch --config-file=/usr/share/defaults/at-spi2/accessibility.conf --scope user
madcat      1334  0.0  0.0   3980  2360 ?        S    18:28   0:00 dbus-broker --log 4 --controller 9 --machine-id e926cff4a18c4f64bca69cf69a80b19a --max-bytes 100000000000000 --max-fds 6400000 --max-matches 5000000000
madcat      2653  0.0  0.0   9732  2668 pts/1    S+   18:37   0:00 grep --color=auto -i dbus


#145 2024-01-07 18:57:29

From: Northern Germany
Registered: 2023-12-21
Posts: 34

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

It is absolutely reproduceable. If I use dbus-broker-units kde crashes at startup, if I use dbus-daemon-units it is running. In both cases dbus complains about a wrong locale:

Jan 07 18:29:17 wst-andreas[1330494]: Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8.
                                                         Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead.
                                                         If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual
                                                         for more information.

but I do not use anything else than UTF8 since years. So it looks I must stay at dbus-daemon-units - I cannot identify the issue.


#146 2024-01-07 19:10:02

Registered: 2009-10-08
Posts: 189

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

df8oe wrote:

It is absolutely reproduceable. If I use dbus-broker-units kde crashes at startup, if I use dbus-daemon-units it is running. In both cases dbus complains about a wrong locale:

Jan 07 18:29:17 wst-andreas[1330494]: Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8.
                                                         Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead.
                                                         If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual
                                                         for more information.

but I do not use anything else than UTF8 since years. So it looks I must stay at dbus-daemon-units - I cannot identify the issue.

Did you check that the dbus-broker service is actually running? I had to enable it manually when I switched over from the "legacy" D-Bus implementation. Check out this Archwiki page.


#147 2024-01-07 19:50:57

From: Spain
Registered: 2011-10-09
Posts: 2,173

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

Please take the dbus discussion to a separate topic. This has nothing to do with kde-unstable.


#148 2024-01-08 07:49:09

From: Northern Germany
Registered: 2023-12-21
Posts: 34

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition


#149 2024-01-10 15:52:16

Registered: 2022-12-29
Posts: 11

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

RC-1 is out. We should be getting updates to arch repos soon.


#150 2024-01-10 20:41:58

Registered: 2009-10-08
Posts: 189

Re: [Kde-unstable] KF6 QT6 Transition

I just installed the latest KF6 updates and things immediately exploded like a nuke. Wayland appears to be completely broken. To get SDDM to start, I had to revert to X11 in its config. The same goes for an attempt to start KDE Wayland session - I get a few seconds of a black screen and then get dropped back to SDDM. X11 session, is, unfortunately, broken too. There are no window decorations and a notification about KWin having crashed multiple times. NetworkManager Plasma Widget also reports an error, complaining about a missing symbol somewhere. Yakuake displays an error message instead of console.

In journalctl, I get a lot of logged crashes.

led 10 21:32:45 The-Raza systemd-coredump[32137]: [?] Process 32103 (plasmashell) of user 1000 dumped core.
                                                  Stack trace of thread 32103:
                                                  #0  0x00007fa6858ac83c n/a ( + 0x8e83c)
                                                  #1  0x00007fa68585c668 raise ( + 0x3e668)
                                                  #2  0x00007fa6858444b8 abort ( + 0x264b8)
                                                  #3  0x00007fa6852b472e n/a ( + 0xb472e)
                                                  #4  0x00007fa6852b4f3f _ZNK14QMessageLogger5fatalEPKcz (libQt6>
                                                  #5  0x00007fa685b10bd5 n/a ( + 0x110bd5)
                                                  #6  0x00007fa685bacaa8 _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate21createEven>
                                                  #7  0x00007fa685368ab5 _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate4initEv (li>
                                                  #8  0x00007fa685bacb51 _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate4initEv (lib>
                                                  #9  0x00007fa68757746e _ZN19QApplicationPrivate4initEv (libQt6>
                                                  #10 0x00005604b087c606 n/a (plasmashell + 0x2b606)
                                                  #11 0x00007fa685845cd0 n/a ( + 0x27cd0)
                                                  #12 0x00007fa685845d8a __libc_start_main ( + 0x27d8a)
                                                  #13 0x00005604b087fbb5 n/a (plasmashell + 0x2ebb5)
                                                  Stack trace of thread 32113:
                                                  #0  0x00007fa685920f6f __poll ( + 0x102f6f)
                                                  #1  0x00007fa6840972b6 n/a ( + 0xb82b6)
                                                  #2  0x00007fa684037162 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.s>
                                                  #3  0x00007fa6855ab164 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEvent>
                                                  #4  0x00007fa68536d67e _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17Proce>
                                                  #5  0x00007fa685453a3f _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0>
                                                  #6  0x00007fa6863c813f n/a ( + 0x3113f)
                                                  #7  0x00007fa6854d4ae3 n/a ( + 0x2d4ae3)
                                                  #8  0x00007fa6858aa9eb n/a ( + 0x8c9eb)
                                                  #9  0x00007fa68592e7cc n/a ( + 0x1107cc)
                                                  ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
led 10 21:32:46 The-Raza systemd-coredump[32291]: [?] Process 32264 (kwin_x11) of user 1000 dumped core.
                                                  Stack trace of thread 32264:
                                                  #0  0x00007f4bdfaac83c n/a ( + 0x8e83c)
                                                  #1  0x00007f4bdfa5c668 raise ( + 0x3e668)
                                                  #2  0x00007f4bdfa444b8 abort ( + 0x264b8)
                                                  #3  0x00007f4bdf4b472e n/a ( + 0xb472e)
                                                  #4  0x00007f4bdf4b4f3f _ZNK14QMessageLogger5fatalEPKcz (libQt6>
                                                  #5  0x00007f4bdfd10bd5 n/a ( + 0x110bd5)
                                                  #6  0x00007f4bdfdacaa8 _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate21createEven>
                                                  #7  0x00007f4bdf568ab5 _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate4initEv (li>
                                                  #8  0x00007f4bdfdacb51 _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate4initEv (lib>
                                                  #8  0x00007f18f2d6545b _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2E>
                                                  #9  0x00007f18f2fad341 n/a ( + 0x3ad341)
                                                  #10 0x00007f18f14bdf69 n/a ( + 0x59f69)
                                                  #11 0x00007f18f151c367 n/a ( + 0xb8367)
                                                  #12 0x00007f18f14bc162 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.s>
                                                  #13 0x00007f18f2fab164 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEvent>
                                                  #14 0x00007f18f2d6d67e _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17Proce>
                                                  #15 0x00007f18f2e53a3f _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0>
                                                  #16 0x00007f18f3ce713f n/a ( + 0x3113f)
                                                  #17 0x00007f18f2ed4ae3 n/a ( + 0x2d4ae3)
                                                  #18 0x00007f18f32aa9eb n/a ( + 0x8c9eb)
                                                  #19 0x00007f18f332e7cc n/a ( + 0x1107cc)
                                                  ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
led 10 21:32:45 The-Raza systemd-coredump[32136]: [?] Process 32087 (org_kde_powerde) of user 1000 dumped core.
                                                  Stack trace of thread 32087:
                                                  #0  0x00007f18f32ac83c n/a ( + 0x8e83c)
                                                  #1  0x00007f18f325c668 raise ( + 0x3e668)
                                                  #2  0x00007f18f32444b8 abort ( + 0x264b8)
                                                  #3  0x00007f18f2cb472e n/a ( + 0xb472e)
                                                  #4  0x00007f18f2cb4f3f _ZNK14QMessageLogger5fatalEPKcz (libQt6>
                                                  #5  0x00007f18f3510bd5 n/a ( + 0x110bd5)
                                                  #6  0x00007f18f35acaa8 _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate21createEven>
                                                  #7  0x00007f18f2d68ab5 _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate4initEv (li>
                                                  #8  0x00007f18f35acb51 _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate4initEv (lib>
                                                  #9  0x00007f18f35a546b _ZN15QGuiApplicationC2ERiPPci (libQt6Gu>
                                                  #10 0x00005614e8b780b9 n/a (org_kde_powerdevil + 0x90b9)
                                                  #11 0x00007f18f3245cd0 n/a ( + 0x27cd0)
                                                  #12 0x00007f18f3245d8a __libc_start_main ( + 0x27d8a)
                                                  #13 0x00005614e8b78fe5 n/a (org_kde_powerdevil + 0x9fe5)
                                                  Stack trace of thread 32106:
                                                  #0  0x00007f18f3cd9642 n/a ( + 0x23642)
                                                  #1  0x00007f18f3d0da4f n/a ( + 0x57a4f)
                                                  #2  0x00007f18f3cfdbfb n/a ( + 0x47bfb)
                                                  #3  0x00007f18f1dc3cd0 n/a ( + 0x14cd0)
                                                  #4  0x00007f18f1dc83ce dbus_connection_dispatch (>
                                                  #5  0x00007f18f3d0b05a n/a ( + 0x5505a)
                                                  #6  0x00007f18f2dbeaa9 n/a ( + 0x1beaa9)
                                                  #7  0x00007f18f2dc7a2a _ZN15QSocketNotifier5eventEP6QEvent (li>
                                                  #8  0x00007f18f2d6545b _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2E>
                                                  #9  0x00007f18f2fad341 n/a ( + 0x3ad341)
                                                  #10 0x00007f18f14bdf69 n/a ( + 0x59f69)
                                                  #11 0x00007f18f151c367 n/a ( + 0xb8367)
                                                  #12 0x00007f18f14bc162 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.s>
                                                  #13 0x00007f18f2fab164 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEvent>
                                                  #14 0x00007f18f2d6d67e _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17Proce>
                                                  #15 0x00007f18f2e53a3f _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0>
                                                  #16 0x00007f18f3ce713f n/a ( + 0x3113f)
                                                  #17 0x00007f18f2ed4ae3 n/a ( + 0x2d4ae3)
                                                  #18 0x00007f18f32aa9eb n/a ( + 0x8c9eb)
                                                  #19 0x00007f18f332e7cc n/a ( + 0x1107cc)
                                                  ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

I updated to the latest packages from core-testing and extra-testing but no dice, although this looks like something was built against a wrong version of a dependency in some way.
FTW, the plasma-nm plugin is unable to load "" due to missing "_ZN13KUrlRequester9setFilterERK7QString" symbol.

Last edited by MadCat_X (2024-01-10 20:54:01)


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