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Nomachine NX Server has free clients that can be compiled and run on Arch linux but the NX Server is only available as a binary because it is a commercial product. Has anybody gotten an NX Server binary working on Arch linux and if so could you let me know the steps it took?
Product homepage:
Binaries of NX Server for dnload: … r=personal
Arch Linux (Duke)
IRC: Aletheuo
Registered Linux User #354975
Got it running but some errors because I do not know how to configure it.
[root@blunder etc]uname -a
Linux xor 2.6.7 #1 Sun Jun 27 19:28:05 CEST 2004 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
[root@blunder etc]# cat /etc/arch-release
Arch Linux 0.6 (Widget)
[root@blunder etc]# pwd
[root@blunder etc]# ../bin/nxserver --start
NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 1.3.2-25 PE (Evaluation)
NX> 122 Service started
NX> 999 Bye
Quick and dirty howto:
unpack into a temp dir somewhere
rpmunpack nxserver-1.3.2-25.i386.rpm
gunzip nxserver-1.3.2-25.i386.cpio.gz
cpio -idmv <nxserver-1.3.2-25.i386.cpio
cd usr/NX/bin/
run ./nxsetup --install redhat (hehe must use something..)
this will install to /usr/NX/ and create new useraccount
still in your tempdir where unpacked do cp -rp NX/ /usr/
installscript does not copy all files to /usr/NX so we have to do it.
run /usr/NX/scripts/ (not sure if we must or if nxstart do this for us)
go to /usr/NX/etc/ and touch passwords file, copy key.txt you did dl aswell to this dir.
Copy node.conf.update to node.conf
Now run /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --start
Should be working..
If not, check /var/log/messages and /var/log/errors
Don't know if this helps, but apparently there's a free version of NX in the works now. See:
Looks like it resides here in some form:
But this does seem to be a Debian-specific site. Not sure where the source is, but I'm sure it's available if you dig a bit.
Maybe this is a good candidate for an Arch package now? :-)
I'm going to try and get FreeNX packaged/working on Arch. I used it on Debian and it is really incredible. I have a pretty slow upload from my home box and it makes VNC unbearable. NX is simply amazing in it's speed. I have a Windows NX client at work that I conenct to my Box at home that has aKregator, kontact and kopete running. Simply incredible. Now I need to get it to work with Arch...
ewwwwww Arch is all gooey
I'll post a howto on this later today
but I got it working using precompiled binaries (gave up on compilation of the source).
I was talking to someone on IRC who said they almost had a working package. If they don't release one, I'm going to post arch packaged binaries, if anyone is interested.
sweet NX! YES!
ewwwwww Arch is all gooey
I was talking to someone on IRC who said they almost had a working package. If they don't release one, I'm going to post arch packaged binaries, if anyone is interested.
Yes, please! I´m very interested.
Do you mean the real NX server, or the free version FreeNX?
it's freenx.
basically I took the binary pckages, and installed them to /
I configured my Nomachine Key and NX user and it connected and worked from my work PC.
On a possibly related topic, my work just cut off my SSH access to my home PC so I have no way to get the details on what I did from work
ewwwwww Arch is all gooey