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#1 2010-05-23 05:10:56

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,906

xicd versus networkmanager

Hello all.  I am a user of KDE.  I used to use networkmanager until the great KDE 4 transition event.  I could not find an applet that did not displease me, and the native KDE 4 applet was just a teaser.  As such, I migrated to wicd, but have never been completely happy with it.  The ioct backend worked okay with the Broadcom-wl driver, but it just won't work with the B43 native kernel module.  As such, I have been using the external tools back end.  They are slow, but they have worked for me -- until today.

I spent about an hour on a problem I just should not have had.  I had a mission critical situation where I had to join a WEP encoded network.  I generally use WPA2 and have not had to use WEP for months.  Wicd just would not make the connection.

I did not have time to fully diagnose the problem to the point where I can create a meaningful bug report -- time was of the essence.  Instead, I shut down wicd and brought the network up by hand (iwlist, iwconfig, ifconfig, dhcpcd).

I came home tonight to enjoy some quiet and decided to spend some time in the forums.  I found some posts that may be related to my issue but, while searching, I found there is now a networkmanager plasmoid for KDE 4.4.

Anybody want to chime in on the state of wicd versus networkmanager or about the merits of the new plasmoid?

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