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I love a good tiled desktop wallpaper. I don't think it's too hard to find tiled wallpapers, but unfortunately, I think it is hard to find a good tiled wallpaper.
Here are the only two I have on my computer. I didn't make them. The first is my favorite.
(Found here)
Do you have any favorite tiled wallpaper images that you'd like to share?
Please note that I am not interested in tiled wallpaper websites, only tiled wallpaper images. Thank you.
My favorite. I've been using it on every device I own for probably the past year. It's the first wallpaper I've not compulsively switched after a week.
Can't remember where I got it. I do believe it's technically tiles with some nice overall fading applied to the 1920x1080 I've linked.
My favorite... Can't remember where I got it.
Soft and Clean by ~voidsense … -123586101
I pretty much use only tiles these days...a throw back to my old Windows 3.1 days I guess. Here's a handful of my collection (OK more than a handful): 1.64 MB download
Mods: if it is inappropriate to post a link, feel free to remove it...
# edit: it's fine, but please don't use link shorteners to obscure the destination link - I've edited that bit...
Last edited by jasonwryan (2011-01-05 00:29:24)
thayer williams ~
Offline … 27fe2f.jpg
another elegant dark tile
I pretty much use only tiles these days
Which one is your favorite?
I do believe it's technically tiles with some nice overall fading applied to the 1920x1080 I've linked.
You know what's weird? I loaded the small tiled version that jasonwryan linked to, and it still looks like it has that fading effect.
Thank you, those are nice wallpapers. The swirls give it almost an "old west" style.
You know what's weird? I loaded the small tiled version that jasonwryan linked to, and it still looks like it has that fading effect.
The version jasonwryan linked is also a wallpaper of size 1920x1020 with fading added, not the tile itself. I really like the wallpaper too, although I really like the pattern milomouse provided :-D
Here's what I've been using for a bit -
I forget where I grabbed it, google images most likely.
thayer wrote:I pretty much use only tiles these days
Which one is your favorite?
tile-177.gif and tile-133.gif both see heavy rotation, but there are a bunch in there that I like.
thayer williams ~
xsetroot -bg \#121212 -mod 3 3
I win.
Offline has lots of good tiling textures being good for those things.
(You need a free account there though)
Quick'n'Dirty Ivy example
Is that your favorite tiled wallpaper?
xsetroot -bg \#121212 -mod 3 3
I win.
That is a nice tiled wallpaper. I'd only say "second place" though, since I personally would prefer colors other than black and gray. I think I'll play around with xsetroot and those numbers.
brisbin33 wrote:My favorite... Can't remember where I got it.
Soft and Clean by ~voidsense … -123586101
Thanks for this, guys, it's amazing!
Last edited by archman-cro (2011-01-11 08:25:08)
Nice work "kcirick"!!! Thanks!!!
I've always liked static for tiling:
And that made into a proper arch wallpaper:
Sorry, but that just hurts my eyes. Or maybe I am getting too old.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
hurleyef wrote:I've always liked static for tiling:
And that made into a proper arch wallpaper:
Sorry, but that just hurts my eyes. Or maybe I am getting too old.
No, it hurts my (young) eyes too. Don't know how you could stand looking at that. Only thing that seems worse is the root weave pattern, used back in the day because it'd tell you if there were hardware issues with the monitor. Feels like daggers are being shoved in my eyes.
Last edited by w1ntermute (2011-01-11 21:37:37)
Here is an addition to this old thread that inspired me to create tiled wallpapers for Fvwm and other WMs that have limited auto-scaling. A few wallpapers (960x540) to work on different screen resolutions, such as 3840x2160 and 1024x600.
Found a filter in Gimp that creates seamless images. … ode83.html
Nice bump rasat :-)
My favourite tile has always been tweed:
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Offline … cripts/bwp
The linked file is not a jpeg (that's just a thumbnail in front of the actual data)
Takes a random base, scales it to screen dimensions, overlays a(n ARGB) tile and optionally puts something nice into the center.
You get the detail of the tile at arbitrary resolutions, but not as boring (because of some background texture/gradient)
I have added more tiled.
Below is one wallpaper in action on a 1920x1080 screen.
Here is a link to a large number of seamless tiles. … ter/Images
Last edited by rasat (2022-05-27 18:48:54)
Here is a link to a large number of seamless tiles. … ter/Images
Ah, this one takes me back to my Mandrake days No-Ones-Laughing-3.JPG
Last edited by SimonJ (2022-05-27 19:29:33)
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