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The n13 comes with some drivers in a zip file, but upon attempting to build them I receive this output
make -C tools
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ben/2010_01_29_RT2860_Linux_STA_v2.3.0.0/tools'
gcc -g bin2h.c -o bin2h
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ben/2010_01_29_RT2860_Linux_STA_v2.3.0.0/tools'
cp -f os/linux/Makefile.6 /home/ben/2010_01_29_RT2860_Linux_STA_v2.3.0.0/os/linux/Makefile
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.33-ARCH/build SUBDIRS=/home/ben/2010_01_29_RT2860_Linux_STA_v2.3.0.0/os/linux modules
make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.33-ARCH/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [LINUX] Error 2
I also downloaded the most recent drivers off of the Ralink website ( I received the same error.
There are some installation instructions, but they say to modify the path to the kernel source. It originally was /path to kernel/build/., but not build folder existed so I took away the build/ and just gave it the kernel folder. It told me"No rule to make target "modules" stop.". That is all the information I can gather.
If anyone has some knowledge to share that would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by redonkulous (2010-07-01 02:27:20)
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I've recently purchased the ASUS usb-n13, and I can't seem to get it working.
BUS 002 Device 006: ID 0b05:1784 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. USB-N13 802.11n Network Adapter [Ralink RT2870]
Seeing Ralink RT2870 there, I figured I would
modprobe rt2870sta
-- but that still doesn't seem to help me since when I plug it into the usb port, I get:
phy3: Selected rate control algorithm "minstrel_ht"
Registered led device: rt2800usb-phy3::radio
Registered led device: rt2800usb-phy3::assoc
Registered led device: rt2800usb-phy3::quality
phy3 -> rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Error - Current firmware does not support detected chipset.
I haven't got any way of connecting to the internet using that machine, so I'm not sure what I can do if packages, etc. need to be updated.
Any help getting this working would be greatly appreciated!
Right after posting, I quickly realized that since the error was with rt2800usb I should blacklist it. Sorry about that.
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