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As noted in a previous thread that has been marked solved I am getting the following error:
"A daemon is starting another daemon, this is unlikely to work as intended."
This just started occurring this morning after doing a system upgrade via pacman and installing
the new 3.0 kernel.
Seeing that I am a new arch linux user, I'm curious as to what might be causing this error and
am wondering if the order in which I have my daemons listed if that might be the cause. They are
as follows:
DAEMONS=(!hwclock ntpd syslog-ng dbus gpm iptables network rpc-bind nfs-common @netfs autofs crond
spamd postfix sshd alsa lp cupsd)
Specifically, the warning message above appears in the "network" section of the boot process. I will admit
that I have pieced this all together from various articles on the wiki and forums and I probably have something
out of order that used to work. I had previously had "hal" in there but seeing what folks say about that here I took
it out as it seems to be deprecated.
Any and all help appreciated,
Last edited by prthorsenjr (2011-08-08 15:34:19)
“Intelligence without communications is irrelevant, communications without intelligence is noise.”
General Alfred M. Gray
The article that you listed was the article that I was speaking about at the beginning of my post. I guess I was looking for
folks suggestions about what daemons should be started in what order. That's why I posted that particular line from my
rc.conf file.
“Intelligence without communications is irrelevant, communications without intelligence is noise.”
General Alfred M. Gray
Its simple enough. If a daemon depends on another, make sure its listed after.
ntpd, needs network to be up so it can connect to some time server, so make sure you start network before ntpd. You need to know what daemons you are starting and what each does for you.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Inxsible and Karol,
Many thanks for the pointers. Points well taken. I did indeed need to figure out what daemons I was starting and in what order I should start them.
After many edits of my /etc/rc.conf and just as many reboots I came up with this:
DAEMONS=(!hwclock syslog-ng gpm dbus network @nfs-common @netfs autofs ntpd iptables crond spamd
postfix sshd alsa lp cupsd)
Again, thanks for the help,
“Intelligence without communications is irrelevant, communications without intelligence is noise.”
General Alfred M. Gray
you can background them if you want a bit faster boot.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !