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Tries to connect for a bit, then errors with "No Secrets Were Sent". Username and password are correct(Comfirmed by network admin), I am using a certificate, Running Vanilla Arch Linux on linux kernel 6.10.3-arch1-2 (64-bit) with KDE Plasma.
Tries to connect for a bit
Aha. A small bit or a long bit? Tidy bit? Hanging bit? Big or little endian?
Please don't paraphrase,
Please post your complete system journal for a boot covering a connection attempt, for the current one:
sudo journalctl -b | curl -F 'file=@-'
the problematic network is "Northstar Academy"
Aug 27 11:07:31 devpad wpa_supplicant[604]: wlp108s0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED EAP authentication started
Aug 27 11:07:31 devpad wpa_supplicant[604]: wlp108s0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PROPOSED-METHOD vendor=0 method=25
Aug 27 11:07:31 devpad wpa_supplicant[604]: wlp108s0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-METHOD EAP vendor 0 method 25 (PEAP) selected
Aug 27 11:07:31 devpad wpa_supplicant[604]: SSL: SSL3 alert: write (local SSL3 detected an error):fatal:protocol version
Aug 27 11:07:31 devpad wpa_supplicant[604]: OpenSSL: openssl_handshake - SSL_connect error:0A000102:SSL routines::unsupported protocol
Aug 27 11:07:31 devpad wpa_supplicant[604]: wlp108s0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-FAILURE EAP authentication failed
Aug 27 11:07:31 devpad kernel: wlp108s0: Limiting TX power to 30 (30 - 0) dBm as advertised by d0:21:f9:83:56:4c
Aug 27 11:07:31 devpad kernel: wlp108s0: deauthenticated from d0:21:f9:83:56:4c (Reason: 23=IEEE8021X_FAILED)
Aug 27 11:07:31 devpad wpa_supplicant[604]: wlp108s0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=d0:21:f9:83:56:4c reason=23
Aug 27 11:07:31 devpad wpa_supplicant[604]: wlp108s0: CTRL-EVENT-SSID-TEMP-DISABLED id=0 ssid="Northstar Academy" auth_failures=1 duration=10 reason=AUTH_FAILED
==> … 4#p2104704 ?
Though also
pacman -Qikk wpa_supplicant
Later on there's also a bunch of
Aug 27 11:14:40 devpad wpa_supplicant[604]: OpenSSL: tls_connection_ca_cert - Failed to load root certificates error:05800088:x509 certificate routines::no certificate or crl found
Is that you messing around w/ the certificates/paths?
I dont know what that is.
You don't know what what is?
The network relies on a dated and insecure version of TLS that's disabled by default - you can either apply the NM flag or edit the wpa_supplicant configuration to allow it.
At least this has worked a year ago, whether this is still the case remains to be seen.
Also there're several related patches in wpa_supplicant, I'm not sure whether they'd automagically lower the security level here, but at last we should make sure that you're not using some dated version of wpa_supplicant.
I've been looking and can't figure out how to fix it. could you explain it please?
I stressed the link to … 4#p2104704 with the idea being that you try to set those NM paramters and the post right below that hints at how do do this in practice.
What step exactly do you struggle with?