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one more question, do you know any other spot to find that xmms theme because i cant find it at Or am i just missing it?
I think i got it from but I also couldn't find it now. Anyway you can get it from here:
mdirolf wrote:one more question, do you know any other spot to find that xmms theme because i cant find it at Or am i just missing it?
I think i got it from but I also couldn't find it now. Anyway you can get it from here:
Damn openbox works realy nice, but I have only 2 questons:
Tpager How do I set up tpager so it wil run on startup. if I put tpager & before exec openbox nothing will happen.
resizing If i want to resize a window I have to go to the top right of a window. I rather prefer that I could resize by grabbing every side of a window border
Thanks a lot for the help bleak... I also couldnt figure out how to get tpager to load on startup because i think it needs the window manager to be open before it will open.
Is there any panal bar type app for openbox that will allow me to see my iconified apps??
Damn openbox works realy nice, but I have only 2 questons:
Tpager How do I set up tpager so it wil run on startup. if I put tpager & before exec openbox nothing will happen.
resizing If i want to resize a window I have to go to the top right of a window. I rather prefer that I could resize by grabbing every side of a window border
I also don't know how to start tpager on startup.
I use a combination of Alt+RightClick to resize my windows but openbox is very configurable and you can make it behave the way you want. Take a look at the config files.
Is there any panal bar type app for openbox that will allow me to see my iconified apps??
Yes. I know fbpanel and pypanel but i'm sure there are more.
About starting applications after wm start in xinitrc or xsession: read my last post in skippy thread … highlight=
Zym0tiC wrote:Damn openbox works realy nice, but I have only 2 questons:
Tpager How do I set up tpager so it wil run on startup. if I put tpager & before exec openbox nothing will happen.
resizing If i want to resize a window I have to go to the top right of a window. I rather prefer that I could resize by grabbing every side of a window border
I also don't know how to start tpager on startup.
I use a combination of Alt+RightClick to resize my windows but openbox is very configurable and you can make it behave the way you want. Take a look at the config files.
mdirolf wrote:Is there any panal bar type app for openbox that will allow me to see my iconified apps??
Yes. I know fbpanel and pypanel but i'm sure there are more.
Gnome-panel will do
@bleak: thanx for the alt advice...I will try it when I'm home and will search in the config file
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Nice shot.
nice wallpaper, I didn't know that you got so big hills in UK
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Very nice! When I get home tonight, I'll post *my* Openbox running pypanel screenie...then we can do battle!
My hovercraft is full of eels.
No big hills where I am....
Thank you xerxes2
deepfreeze I cannot wait
Mr Green
Mr Green I like Landuke!
As promised, here's my Openbox with pypanel. It's not much, but I have a p3-450 with 96MB of RAM, so it's not too flashy...but it's fast
My hovercraft is full of eels.
several of mine are here:
Brand new KDE desktop (just switched from GNOME )
Fluxbox-devel with the Dark and Transparent theme.
GKrellM with the Glass theme.
Added fbpager and pypanel to it today on the top (both with transparency of cource).
I'm really starting to like my desktop now.
Everybody's desktop is very very nice
How can i improve myseft (about graphic...) :oops:
here is my plain xfce4 shot.
KDE the way I like it:
Application of abstract techniques and utilities to solving a particular business problem is NOT a patentable idea. It is a fundamental concept of the IT industry.
XFCE4, with XMMS, vi in aterm editting my world peace program, gaim, and Millencolin and Warped Tour in the background.
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2
KDE the way I like it:
Normally I don't like KDE, but this isn't bad at all.. Nice and evil, how I like it. :twisted:
ion2 with pacman in work..
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
KDE the way I like it:
What's the name of that system monitor?
This is my kde desktop. I made the background with gimp. I had to resize the image.
-- archlinux 是一个极好的 linux。
KDE the way I like it:
Great backgroud.
Ratpoison was OK, but it was kinda tricky to make it look good, so I've decided to switch to Ion3 again:
Using a theme I made myself along with irssi, mplay, cmatrix, & nethack.