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@Mountainjew: nice setup. i love the wallpaper, do you have a link? and what are you using for the lyrics in the corner? it looks great
The lyrics is from this screenlet … tent=98762
Here's the wallpaper
@pyknite - The music display isn't covergloobus, it's the desktop art plugin for Rhythmbox. Much better than covergloobus imo
Last edited by Mountainjew (2010-05-23 21:05:34)
@pyknite - The music display isn't covergloobus, it's the desktop art plugin for Rhythmbox. Much better than covergloobus imo
Ah ok... But I use mpd so, covergloobus works fine for me
I've had greenish colors for a long time, and now for something completely different:
Looks great! Any chance you could share the configuration for your status bar applets (or patches, if you needed any)?
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds
It's in the conky thread on these forums
New shot from me...
@Mountainjew, great shot and you always have the best music playing, i.e. Meshuggah, Neurosis, Baroness, Rosetta, Isis....
Very, very nice.
Compiz / Emerald
Emerald theme is Rezlooks with modified colors / fonts.
Fonts are all Droid variants.
GTk-Theme is a modified version of this:
Taskbar is tint2.
oew wrote:I've had greenish colors for a long time, and now for something completely different: great! Any chance you could share the configuration for your status bar applets (or patches, if you needed any)?
No patches needed. It's conky piped to dzen2:
$ cat .xinitrc
(sleep 5s && conky -c ~/.config/conky/rc | dzen2 -x '714' -e '' -fg '#eeeeee' -bg '#000000' -w '650' -ta r -fn '-*-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -p | while read -r; do xsetroot -name "$REPLY"; done) &
exec ~/bin/startdwm
$ cat .conkyrc
background no
out_to_console yes
update_interval 2
total_run_times 0
use_spacer none
short_units yes
template0 /home/oew/.config/dzen2/sm4tik/
template1 /home/oew/.config/conky/bin/
template2 #ff0000
^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}cpu.xbm)^fg() ${cpu cpu0}${exec bash ${template1}p} \
^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}mem.xbm)^fg() ${memperc}% \
^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}diskette.xbm)^fg() ${fs_used_perc /home}% \
${if_up wlan0}^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}wifi_01.xbm)^fg() ${exec netcfg current} \
^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}net_down_03.xbm)^fg() ${downspeedf wlan0} ^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}net_up_03.xbm)^fg() ${upspeedf wlan0} \
^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}mail.xbm)^fg() ${execi 30 python ${template1}} ${endif}\
${if_up eth0}^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}net_wired.xbm)^fg() eth0 \
^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}net_down_03.xbm)^fg() ${downspeedf eth0} ^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}net_up_03.xbm)^fg() ${upspeedf eth0} \
^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}mail.xbm)^fg() ${execi 30 python ${template1}} ${endif}\
^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}bat_full_02.xbm)^fg() ${battery_percent BAT0}% \
^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}spkr_01.xbm)^fg() ${exec ${template1}vol} \
^fg(\#9b67cb)^i(${template0}clock.xbm)^fg() ${time %H:%M} \
The icons are sm4tik's dzen icons, you can get them … icon-packs.
I should've added the foreground color to a template, just been to lazy to do it yet
there's no place like ~/
Mountainjew wrote:It's in the conky thread on these forums
New shot from me...
@Mountainjew, great shot and you always have the best music playing, i.e. Meshuggah, Neurosis, Baroness, Rosetta, Isis....
one for may
lswest wrote:oew wrote:I've had greenish colors for a long time, and now for something completely different: great! Any chance you could share the configuration for your status bar applets (or patches, if you needed any)?
No patches needed. It's conky piped to dzen2:
The icons are sm4tik's dzen icons, you can get them … icon-packs.
I should've added the foreground color to a template, just been to lazy to do it yet
Thanks. Now I just have to find a systray...Actually, can you create a systray in dzen2?
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds
No problem. It's in my mercurial repo:
(You can also get there from the link in my sig... )
So do I get it right from you configs, that uzbl actually supports VIM-style modularity?
jasonwryan wrote:No problem. It's in my mercurial repo:
(You can also get there from the link in my sig... )
So do I get it right from you configs, that uzbl actually supports VIM-style modularity?
If I understand you correctly (and I may not as I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to), yes - that is how uzbl works: command and insert mode.
ilembitov wrote:jasonwryan wrote:No problem. It's in my mercurial repo:
(You can also get there from the link in my sig... )
So do I get it right from you configs, that uzbl actually supports VIM-style modularity?
If I understand you correctly (and I may not as I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to), yes - that is how uzbl works: command and insert mode.
Yeah, you got me right Sorry, modularity is probably not the right term here...
How about irssi and mutt?
I don't use irssi and with mutt you can (and should) use vim as your editor...
evr wrote:@Mountainjew: nice setup. i love the wallpaper, do you have a link? and what are you using for the lyrics in the corner? it looks great
The lyrics is from this screenlet … tent=98762
Here's the wallpaper
@pyknite - The music display isn't covergloobus, it's the desktop art plugin for Rhythmbox. Much better than covergloobus imo
cool, thanks!
Switch back to gnome... Tired of tiling
WP please
pyknite wrote:Switch back to gnome... Tired of tiling
WP please
Awesome wp here it is:
For other resolution, you can find it on wallbase!
First post in the screenshot thread, AwesomeWm on Crunchbang statler
Nice, what's your .Xdefaults?
Ganja wrote:First post in the screenshot thread, AwesomeWm on Crunchbang statler
Nice, what's your .Xdefaults?
*color0 : #222222
*color8 : #454545
*color1 : #F92672
*color9 : #F92672
*color2 : #A6E22E
*color10: #A6E22E
*color3 : #FD971F
*color11: #FD971F
*color4 : #4682B4
*color12: #4682B4
*color5 : #AE81FF
*color13: #AE81FF
*color6: #89b6e2
*color14: #46a4ff
*color7 : #FFFFFF
*color15: #FFFFFF
A little tip:
If you like the wallpaper in someones screenshot use on the clean version (the pic that shows most of the desktop)
I use it myself all the time, and I haven't been let down yet..
I love this wallpaper, would you mind sharing the link?
Don't panic!